The Art Of Comforting A Dick Grayson - 1. Memories Are Quite Painful

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 A.N:  Hey all! I am Maya. So, After being obsessed with reading fan fictions, I finally decided to open an account in and Wattpad. Here you go! My first fan fiction on Wattpad. You can also find me in  under the name Mayatauric. Please leave your opinion. Constructive criticism is also welcome!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.

Without further ado, presenting you...

The Art Of Comforting A Dick Grayson - 1

Memories Are Painful 

 It was one of those rare days where Jason Todd decided to crash in the Wayne Manor for the night. Earlier that night, a building was set on fire in Gotham and Batman, along with the present Robin and the previous Robins were needed.

All five vigilantes were able to put out the fire and bring all the citizens to safety with relatively minimal casualties. But there was this one girl that they couldn't catch on time; she wasn't dead, no. But she jumped from the 4th floor in order to escape the fire and the five vigilantes were caught up too far away.

Thankfully, the firemen were able to catch her on time. Otherwise... well she would have gotten a direct ride to the place Upstairs. But something happened: After the rescue was over, the vigilantes were about to turn back when the Red Hood noticed that the usually chatty and annoying Nightwing was awfully quiet.

When asked, Nightwing just brushed it off with "I'm fine Hood", though it was obvious he wasn't. But Red Hood didn't comment any further- If Nightwing wasn't ready to tell the truth, it was fine by him. It's not like he cared or anything.

After returning to the Batcave (FYI: The Red Hood only agreed to come because Alfred requested), Dick said that he was tired and went upstairs after changing out of his suit. Before he went, Alfred offered him a cookie and Dick took it with a smile that somehow, Jason found, didn't reach his eyes.

Jason frowned. This wasn't like Dick: He was the happy go lucky guy who smiles and hugs everyone. But now, he looked the opposite of it: Cold and unemotional. When the usual Grayson annoyed Jason to no extent, this side of Grayson just made something in him break.

But, being his usual uncaring self, he ignored it. If something was up with Dick, then it was Bruce's job to look after his Golden Child. Not him. But even as this thought ran in his head, a small voice in the back of his head reminded him that Bruce was absolutely blind when it came to things like this.

Even then, there's always Replacement and Demon Brat right? They can look after their perfect older brother. There was no way in hell that Jason was dealing with this!

So mind made up, he didn't say anything to anyone. Instead, he let Alfred patch him up while Bruce debriefed him. After everything was done, and he was filled with Alfred's Wonder Cookies, he was about to leave for his safe house when Alfred discreetly asked him (more like ordered him) to stay.

As nobody in their right mind would disobey Alfred, he sighed unhappily and obliged. "Very well, Master Jason. Your old room is just as you left it, albeit a bit more neat and clean," Alfred said with his amazing accent.

Jason nodded his gratitude and went upstairs, not bothering to say Good Night.

On the way to his room, he passed Dick's door and came to a halt. He didn't know what made him stop, but there was this gut feeling that something was wrong. And usually his gut is right.

Jason hesitated. If he went inside Dick's room, he didn't know what he would be forced to deal with. If he didn't go, then a small part of his mind (which was apparently still intact after the torturing, dying, being dipped in a pit, coming back to life, living a few months blinded by rage, and doing a lot of horrible things he didn't actually completely regret) would keep on nagging him until he actually went and checked what was wrong.

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