The Art Of Comforting A Dick Grayson - 2: Getting Tortured Sucks

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A.N:  Hey peeps! How you doing! So, I know, I haven't been regular *Nervous chuckle* But, I will try to be, from now on!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters!

The Art Of Comforting A Dick Grayson - 2:

 Getting Tortured Sucks

It's been three weeks since Nightwing was missing and the whole BatFam was searching fervently for their beloved acrobat. After a lot of searching, hacking various devices, and beating the hell out of thugs, they finally found out Nightwing's location.

The Bat and the Birds wasted no time in devising a plan: Red Hood, who was working with the others since it was for Dick, was supposed to go in and extract Nightwing. Agent A was monitoring comms, Red Robin and Robin, who were cooperating with each other since - again- it was for Dick, were supposed to establish a perimeter, and the Bats himself would be clearing Red Hood's way for the extraction.

The plan was ready and the vigilantes wasted no time in putting it to motion.

They tracked Nightwing to an old, broken down building, which had that 'horror house' effect on it. But, of course, the BatFam was not fazed in the slightest. They immediately started doing their roles in the plan.

As soon as they were there, Red Robin and Robin established a perimeter, and Red Hood and Batman went inside the warehouse, Agent A guiding the both of them. The Bats and Hood worked in perfect rhythm, recreating their 'Robin and Batman' effect.

After taking down about 20 guys while moving forward at least 1 kilometre, they finally saw Nightwing: Hung up, his hands chained, head down and hair covering his face, Nightwing costume torn, blood pouring profusely from various wounds, fingers twitching occasionally which depicted electrocution, chest heaving painfully for each inhale, and over all, not at all like the untouchable Nightwing.

Red tinted Red Hood's vision. No one touched a member of BatFam and got away with it. Red Hood quickly made his way to his brother and gently lifted his brother's face.

"Nnn wha?" Nightwing groaned and opened his eyes. Once his eyes fell on Red Hood, he immediately recognised him and confusion masked his blue orbs.

"Hood? Wha're you doin' he'e?" He slurred. "Is 'his a dr'am?"

"Hey Big Bird," Red Hood said softly. "It's not a dream. We are here to get you the hell outta here."


"Yup, the whole flock is here."

"Nnnn. 'M tired," Nightwing whispered.

"I know Big Bird," Red Hood said, working on picking the lock of his arm chains, not shooting it as it would attract unwanted attention. "I know. But don't worry, okay? We'll get away from here soon and you can rest all you want."

He finally picked both the locks and the chains opened, causing Nightwing to just fall forwards. But Red Hood anticipated this and was ready to catch his brother. As soon as he was in Hood's arms, cradled close to his chest, Nightwing groaned and whimpered since most of his wounds jostled.

"Hey, hey it's okay," Hood murmured softly. "Shhh... I gotcha."

He slowly scooped up Nightwing and Nightwing buried his head in Hood's neck. Red Hood kept on murmuring soft words as he carried him back to the Batmobile, which was sent to them by Agent A. Hood shook his head at Batman when he passed him, silently signalling that Nightwing was not ready for a hard and deep voice, or gruffly spoken words.

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