The Art Of Comforting A Dick Grayson - 5: God, Even Dick Grayson Can a Snap!

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Hey guys! So, we have finally come to the end of the AOCDG series, as well as the year. I actually wanted to give you all a last present before this year ends, and I posted this is A03 before new year, but I didn't post it here. So, here you go, the fifth part. Thank you all, for your support! And I hope you all have a great year!

"Yes, I am sure that it was your son, ma'am," Dick replied wearily for the hundredth time.

"But sir, my son is not that kind of person," the mother of the convict insisted. "He is a good boy! Are you absolutely, without an inch of a doubt, certain that it was my son?"

"Yes, I am sure that it was your son, ma'am," Dick's reply came.

"But sir -"

"Listen ma'am, we are absolutely certain that your son was a part of the drug bust, so if you have any doubts, you can talk to a lawyer. Have a good day ma'am."

With that Dick cut the call, running a hand through his hair while rubbing his eyes.

"Hard call?" Came the voice of his partner, Amy.

"You have noooo idea."

"Well, you look like you will be dead to this world any moment, so why don't you head back to your apartment and get some sleep?"

"Sounds great, except for a tiny problem," Dick sighed. "Today is family dinner day, and you know how Alfred gets when a family member is not present."


"Yeah, 'ouch'."

"Okay, how about I call Jason? He can come pick you up."

"I don't wanna bother him, Amy. It's a miracle that he is hanging out with me and I don't wanna spoil that."

"Well, I am not gonna let you leave here alone. I would come and drop you if I could, but I have some urgent stuff to get done."

"It's okay, Amy. I will drive slowly."

Amy looked uncertain, but Dick shot her a charming smile and left the Bludhaven Police Department on his bike.

"Honestly, I swear that kid is gonna kill me by worrying me. Damn, if this is how Alfred feels like every time one of them leaves the house, then that man is a saint to have put up with them this far," Amy muttered under her breath, leaving to do her work.

It was just Dick's luck that got him stuck in the prime hour traffic, it was his luck that his bike decided to die on him in the middle of the traffic earning him a lot of curses when the traffic started moving, and it was his goddamn luck that he was running to the metro station while getting drenched to his bones because of a sudden spell of heavy rain.

By the time he reached the manor in Gotham, Dick was ready to call it a day and just go get his much needed sleep, but he didn't want to deal with the consequences of coming to family dinner, but not participating in it, especially from his brothers.

He knocked on the door, and when Alfred saw him, he let out a disapproving 'tt'.

"I am glad that you could make it, Master Dick, but I suggest taking a shower before joining the others."

"Good to see you too, Alfie," Dick muttered with a small grin and made his way to his room. On the way, he ran into Tim, who was being chased by Damian.

"Hey Dick, how you doing?" Tim yelled cheerfully, continuing to run without pausing for a reply.

"Grayson," Damian acknowledged, without stopping his chase of Tim.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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