Part 2

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Gold came back inside the venue, looked for Blake and had drinks with him and his friends. While inside, Gold kept on looking for someone, that someone was Tom. She couldn't get him off her mind.

Later on, as the night got darker and later, Blake and Gold decided go come home. Gold has been living in with Blake in his condo. They got home, went inside the room, and when Gold is removing her clothes in front of Blake, he starts getting touchy and was lusty. Blake starts to touch Gold's breasts as she undresses and licks them. Gold isn't feeling the heat as she already had sex with Tom.

"Blake, I'm really tired babe. Can we do this tomorrow?" Blake was kinda surprised, "Yeah, sure. Let's just sleep tonight." Blake gave Gold a kiss, then he starts to undress himself too. Gold took a quick shower, and while showering she still thinks of Tom. Thinking of the sex they had, she starts touching herself, her boobs and her pussy. She starts to massage her boobs, and open her legs only to insert one finger. She was now masturbating at the bathtub. The bathroom door was unlocked, and suddenly Blake goes in without knocking (this has been a norm between them) and stumbles upon Gold fingering herself while massaging her own boobs.

"Oh! What?" Blake half screamed. Gold was surprised and also screamed for a minute. She covered herself with her hands and quickly, "No, no, no, this is not what you think Blake, no." She covered herself. "I thought you didn't want to have sex? But, why? Ha-how? Wha-?" Blake was confused. Gold stood up from the bathtub and quickly wore her robe. Blake storms outside, quite pissed about the idea that Gold wanted to masturbate but didn't want to fuck with him. Gold follows Blake while drying her hair.

"Babe, come on. It was nothing!" Blake looked back at her, "No! It wasn't nothing! I thought you didn't want to fuck me, but now I see you fucking yourself??" Gold was speechless. "You know, we were okay when we got to the Hotel, but you were already off as soon as we got inside the venue. You even took so long in the bathroom. Did you also fuck yourself there!?" Gold was shooked. "Oh my god, Blake, NO! Of course I didn't fuck myself! Why the fuck would I?" They were screaming and shouting, but thank goodnes Blake's condo is soundproof. Angry, Gold went inside their room and locked the door. She found herself wearing clothes and ready to go outside during the night. She took her phone and unlocked the door while she hurriedly went outside the door.

She is now half running, half walking, down to the elevator, to the lobby, and now outside the building. She quickly opened her phone, looking at her contacts list and saw Tom's number still there. She dialed Tom's number, hoping it was still his number. Ringing, ringing. "Yes, hello?" a familiar sound opened up. "H-hello? Uh... uhm... This is uh...This is Gold..." She was internally crying, her tears were ready to stream down her eyes and cheeks. "Hey! Gold, uh... why are you calling me at..2 am?" Tom responded. "Uh... uhmm, can you pick me up? It's okay if you don't—" Tom quickly replied, "No, no, I'll pick you up. Where are you?" Gold's voice was quivering. "I'm at Jock & Mack Condominium here in QC. Can you pick me up now?" The other line sounded a bit rusty and busy, "Yeah, yeah, sure I'll be there in a minute. Don't hang up." Gold said okay.

Tom was asking for directions while on the phone. It only took 7 minutes for him to get to the place. He pulled up with his BMW 8 series 2021. He got off his seat and went to open the passenger seat for Gold. She was wearing silk pajamas and an oversized tshirt with slip on slippers. He was wearing a slim fit grey tshirt, checkered blue pajamas and white socks with his slip on slippers. Gold hopped inside and so did Tom. He is looking at Gold's direction, "Where do you want to go?" He asked. "Somewhere far, not here." She said.
"Do you want to go to your place?" She shook her head no, "My place?" She once again shook her head no. "So, where?" He asked. "Anywhere but here."
"But—" She interrupted, "Just go!" She exclaimed. He started the car and already went off. Tom doesn't know where they'll head to. He was thinking of going to a hill they used to go to, or there at Starbucks or McDonald's. Tom asked again, "Where do you want to go, Gold?" She looked at him for a while, and starts to cry. Tom didn't know what to do so he pulled over at the side of the road. "Why are you crying? Is it because of me?" Gold responded, "No! I— I don't know!" Tom looked confused for a second, he is trying to hold her arm. "When I looked at you, you were wearing that shit mask. I knew it was you. I knew it from the clothes you were wearing, and the way you walk, and the way," She cries even louder, "the way you looked at me even with that mask on." She cries. Tom felt worried and confused, why was she saying these all of a sudden. "I don't know why, but when I saw your face I know I missed you. I missed seeing your face, I missed your smile. Fuck, I even missed your hug." She cries and cries. Tom was speechless, he let her say whatever she wanted to say. "You're the best sex I always have. I don't know why, but even when I'm fucking Blake I think of you. When I'm in the shower, I always think of you. I like being with you. Not just the sex, but I really like holding you and touching you because I miss you!" She cries. Tom leans closer to her so she could cry on his shoulder. She did cry on his shoulder and was now facing Tom's chest. She was holding her face with one hand and Tom's shoulder with the other. "I- I don't know what to say." He said. "No, no, you don't have to say anything. We're exes after all." She shushed him.

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