Part 3

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"It's been almost a year since we broke up, I still think of you. I thought I was over you when I met Blake. He seemed better than you." She cried.

Tom didn't know how to handle the situation but he just let her cry. He pats her back. "You're the only one who knows my true laugh. You're the only one who makes me smile like a fucking idiot." She exclaimed.

"No, it's okay. It's okay. Just cry." He said. Gold kept on crying. She just cried and cried until they decided to spend the night at Tom's condo. They went up at his condo.

Gold noticed that he changed some of the decor but others remained the same.

"You can stay in my room, I'll sleep here on the couch." He stated. She looked at him, "Can you stay with me?" Tom said, "No, I'll just stay here," Pointing at the sofa with his soft sleepy voice. Tom showed her to his room. He let her lie down at his bed first before going outside. Gold thought, his room changed but it feels the same. She is now lying on Tom's bed. She feels exhausted but at the same time, she wanted to sleep here forever. She smelled the room, it's a familiar scent she missed. She hopes to stay here forever. Gold fell asleep for a few hours and woke up at 5 am when she heard a noise coming from her phone.

It was Blake, he is calling her. She declined the call and put her phone down. Gold saw through the curtains that there's bit of light from dawn. She is still sleepy, but wanted to go pee. She got up and headed to Tom's bathroom inside his room. She saw a clean and organized bathroom. While peeing she was thinking of the words she'll say to Blake. "Am i gonna break up with Blake? Do I want to go back to my ex? We broke up for a reason." She thought.

After peeing, she headed out of Tom's room to go to the kitchen and drink water. She saw Tom sleeping on the couch. He looked tired. She stared at Tom for quite a while until Tom moved from his sleep so she sprinted to the kitchen. She sat down at the chair to drink her water when Tom walks into her. "Why are you up so early?" He asked her. "I was thirsty." Tom chuckled. "What?" She asked. "Are you thirsty? Or you wanna see me?" He teased. "Do you hear yourself, Tom? I only need water." She drinks.

Tom went beside her, sat at the chair and faced her, so close to her face. "You sure?" He asked with a smile. "Your breath stinks." Gold said and rolled her eyes. "As if yours don't." He replied. They both drank water and sat at the chair.

"What made you call me at 2 am? Did your new boyfriend beat you up or something?" He asked out of curiosity.
"Then what?"
"I wanted to get out. We were screaming and shouting." She said.
"Hmm, sounds toxic." He said.
"Nah, we don't shout all the time. That's like the second time we shouted at each other. It's not toxic." She replied.

"Oh really? How come you only shouted at me when we're in bed fucking?" Tom teased.

"God, please. Can you shut up?" She laughed. "Can we please not talk about sex in the morning."

"Why? Do you not like having sex with me? Did you not enjoy the fun we had in the Plaza's bathroom?" Tom seriously asked which made Gold kinda confused and scared.

"No... I wasn't saying that it was bad—" He scoffed.
There is silence. It's very loud.
"You see, Gold, you're cheating with Blake." Tom said out of nowhere.
"What? No! I'm not." Gold defended.
"Well, we fucked while Blake was drinking alone in that goddamn party."
"Blake and I aren't even 'together' we've been together for 5 months, it's not like it's serious. And how come you know his name?" Gold said.
"Oh, come one, Goldie. I knew him from school. He was part of the basketball team in Heikken University right?" He asked. Gold nodded.

"We were friends for sometime until the friendship fell apart. We still know each other, I guess."

"But I didn't cheat." Gold said.
Tom chuckled and responded, "Yeah you didn't of course."
"What do you mean?" Gold asked.
"Hmm? Nothing." He responded.
There was silence in the room, again.

Tom still misses her sometimes. But now that Gold is inside his condo, she's facing him, all their memories come back like a film.

"Do you remember when we went to Mitski's concert?" Tom asked to which Gold responded with a, "Yeah, why?"
"I just remembered how you love her so much, you introduced me to her music even though her genre isn't really my cup of tea." He said.

"I remember. You only like rock music and japanese music." Gold smiled as she said these words. "You told me you liked Mitski when I let you listen to her songs. You told me you enjoyed them."

"I still like her songs, but especially the ones you love the most. Washing Machine Heart, I still like that song. Makes me remember you." Tom said.
Gold felt a rush of emotions, did she hear it right?

"What's with the sudden nostalgia anyway?" She asked.
"Nothing. We were together for 4 years... and some things don't remain the same." He said.
"Like what?"
"Like... I used to wake up with you beside me on the bed, and now it's me alone." He said.

Gold went silent for a moment and reminisced. When they broke up, she couldn't move on. It was hard for her. This is their first time being together after a year.

"Why did we break up anyway?" She asked.
"I don't know. Work, life... People?" He said.
"It's still blurry to me. The whole break up feels like a dream. It's like it never happened but it did. It took me months to move on." She said. She seemed down and sad so suddenly.

"Exactly. It feels blurry to me too." He said.

They both fell silent.

"Can I hug you?" Tom asked. Gold laughed but she hugged him. Gold is hugging Tom tightly, both were in their own seats. Until, Gold heared Tom sniffing. "Are you crying?" Gold asked while still hugging. Tom didn't answer so Gold asked again one more time. "Yeah, I guess." He said. "Why?" Gold stopped hugging and is now facing him. "I—I think it's just nothing. Maybe I missed you. I missed you for too long." He started weeping.

Gold got his arm, and goes in for another hug. Tom initiated a tight hug. He was crying while hugging her. He missed her. He missed her smile, her eyes, her warm hugs, her touch, he missed everything about her.

Tom stopped hugging her and said, "You can leave now. Go back to Blake, I'm sure he's worried." He said while wiping his tears.

"No, I'm not leaving you." She said.
"Just go back, he's worried about you."

Tom stood up, but Gold hugged him. Tom freezes from her hug. "I-I miss you too. You don't know how much I longed for another hug like yours." She started crying. "I don't wanna leave you. I only feel comfortable with you. I only like you." She said.

"But, Blake? This is not gonna work." Tom replied.

"No, no. I know why I went with you inside that bathroom even though I have an option not to. I saw Blake was talking to a girl in his Instagram and Snapchat. And, I never said anything." She cried. "No, it's okay. It's okay. It wasn't your fault. He's always been a dickhead." Tom replied.

"Why didn't you tell me? You should've told me!" She told Tom.

"I can't! I see that you're happy with him so I didn't bother."

"I'm only happy when I'm with you, Tom." She said.

"Can we... try it again?" She asked.

"What?" he replied. "Let's try it again, us. Let's give it another chance?" She said.

Tom went silent. He doesn't know if this is a good decision or not. But, what he knows is he'll follow his heart.

"Sure, let's try it again, Gold." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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