Chapter 8: The raft

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Mara woke up in an unfamiliar room, immediately causing panic to run through her body. She was somehow wearing different clothes. 

It took her a second to notice that it wasn't just a room she was in, it was a cell. And the clothes she was wearing was a prison uniform. How did she end up here?

She looked around and noticed that people from team Captain America were in other cells. What was she doing in here with the opposing team? Wasn't she on 'the right side' according to the government?

"Ahhh you're awake! A man said to her as he walked in front of her cell. "I'm sorry, who are you? She asked him. "My name is secretary Ross. You are probably wondering what you're doing here, right?" Mara simply nodded whilst looking around the cell for a possible escape.

"Well, despite being on team Iron Man and helping, you are still an assassin who used to work for Hydra. So you will spend the rest of your days on earth rotting away in this cell." He said with a smug look on his face before walking away.

She knew she couldn't run forever, but scolded herself anyway for getting caught. She was also mad at Natasha, for betraying her and helping the opposing team. I

f it wasn't for Natasha electrocuting her, Mara would probably still have her freedom. Deep down she understood why Natasha helped Steve, she also understood that the redhead didn't trust her. But she should have known the consequences this would have for Mara.

Hours went by incredibly slowly, as Mara tried to keep herself busy. She examined the damage to her prosthetic leg, which was luckily minimal. Mainly scratches and a few dents, but she could still walk. The others were either silent or complaining about Tony.

After a while, who knows how long, Tony walked through the doors of the room where the cells were located. Clint started yelling into nothingness. "The futurist, ladies and gentlemen! The futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you whether you like it or not."

Tony walked over to Clint's cell. "Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'd put you in here. Come on." He said. 

"Did you know they were going to throw me in here?" Mara spoke up, making Tony look at her. His expression changed to a guilty one. "I did not. I'm sorry Mara, but I'll try and find a way to get you out. All of you."

"How's Rhodes?" Sam asked to change the subject. "They're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow. Fingers crossed." He mumbled. 

Mara noticed that Tony was worried about his friend. His usual cocky demeanor changing. He and Sam talked some more and with that, Tony took off again, leaving tall of them in their cells.

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