The Demon Brothers (Chapter 9)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or The Legend of the Northern Blade in the matter, The story takes place in the Forbidden Scroll incident.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

[Talking]: Name of Attack/Jutsu


Chapter 9: The Demon Brothers 

Team Blade and Team 7 could be seen walking on the road that will lead them to the land of waves. Although the difference in experience was quite large as Team Blade were taking a formation to protect the client from all sides, even underground threats but Team 7 on the other hand were walking around the road like they were walking in their own village their guard was not even up.

Team Blade shaked their heads in disappointment although they didn't voice it out as they were like when they first became a Genin team but now they overcame their weaknesses thanks to their Jonin sensei Yugao. Sai was much better than the rest of his team. He might have not taken a formation but his eyes were darting everywhere showing that he was on guard although his lack of understanding about human emotion made him make unnecessary enemies even among his allies and the red large bump in his head was a proof of that.

He was jotting down on a small notebook as he murmured to himself "Women are such a confusing species maybe they are subspecies even when complimenting them they are never easily pleased and are violent by nature." murmured Sai to himself as everyone sweat dropped at the boy who then let out a defeated sigh "Emotions are such a complicating thing, what does it mean to read the air, does the air release some sort of frequency" said Sai to himself as he shut the notebook placing it in his pocket.

Yugao, Hae-In and Sakura were glaring at the pale boy who dared to call them subspecies and Naruto let out a sigh at the boy but his eyes kept lingering on a tree branch his hands were twitching towards his blade in a way that grabbed the attention of his team who realized the code being used by Naruto which meant that enemy is around so they all tensed having their guard up.

Naruto then proceeded to run his finger to his left shoulder giving the impression that he was removing dust but instead he was pointing in the direction of the enemy Ninja which got them to relax a little as they already know where the Hidden Ninja is hiding. "The cloak is caughting dust already?" asked Yugao as she looked at Naruto who just simply shrugged his shoulders "It's just two tiny spec of dust nothing you should worry yourself about!" said Naruto as he continued the conversation like there is no problem.

Kakashi caught on to the hidden message "Two enemy Ninja, located in the trees East from here" Thought Kakashi as he narrowed his eyes in the direction that Naruto was previously pointing at to see that there was rustling of leaves which shouldn't be unusual in Konoha or the land of Fire but there was a mass to the movements.

He was impressed to say the least "If only Sasuke could work with others they could have the potential to do great things" Thought Kakashi as he glanced at the Uchiha who has been a source of pain. "Although on the bright side I get to spend time with Naruto, maybe I could teach him a few things to compensate for not being able to take him in team 7" Thought Kakashi with a little eye smile.

Sakura felt awkward the whole trip as being in the academy she was used to having Naruto proclaiming his love towards her but now said boy hadn't even spared her a glance since they took off paying more attention to his teammates and his girlfriend Hae-In. She would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous of Hae-In as Naruto had became more sexier from there academy years and exuded an aura of mystery but unlike with Sasuke he was not a brooding emo instead he had that charming smile that would make any sane woman swoon but sadly this smile was not to her but to Hae-In.

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