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There was nothing quite like having a man badgering history facts in your ear.

Druig had arrived at your apartment precisely at six to pick you up, just as planned. Of course he had no idea since you'd last seen him that you had been thinking about him non stop.

Since Druig made you quit your job, you had spent every day since doing absolutely nothing. You didn't even know what to do with so much free time, it was incredible.

You still couldn't remember the exact events around quitting your job. You honestly even couldn't recall that moment at all, and were only reminded when you called your office on Monday that you had quit. But you were so happy with all that weight and stress off your shoulders, you didn't contemplate it too much.

Druig had rented a sleek black Porsche for the night, and opened the door for you like an absolute gentleman. You were stunned that he had a car like this and knew he must've had some money.

By the time you made it over to the museum, the sun had already set and nighttime was rolling in. Druig had brought you on the next phase of your adventure, to the Cape Fear Museum of History and Science.

You had been there once before with your sibling and their spouse, but it had been a bore and you were subjected to watching them grope each other in front of the Ancient Egypt section. Plus you had the joy of being the annoying third wheel, something you were all too familiar with.

Regardless, it still had left a bad taste in your mouth regarding museums.

But Druig was determined to change that. He had an insane amount of historical facts crammed into his little brain. At this point he had rattled off the historical backgrounds of fifteen different rulers, including the stories of their empires, within the hour you'd been there. His knowledge was simply baffling.

And just when you thought there was no way he could know anything about an archaeological artifact from a thousand years ago, he blurts out even more facts. Any empire, B.C. or A.D., he was able to supply you with a plethora of knowledge.

"Okay but this one, see it's from the Roman Empire. It's from 309 C.E. which means Constantine was emperor," he explained enthusiastically, pointing to the stone figure in the glass case.

It was a beautiful hand carved statue that had been kept in excellent condition for its age. You could appreciate the art and the history behind it.

But your reaction was nothing compared to his.

Druig's eyes would light up for the first time since you met him in each era you passed through. It was a childlike wonder, he was truly mesmerized with every single historical piece and artifact in that museum. It was really quite adorable and wholesome to see the arrogant man in this childlike way.

"Oh, Constantine? I can't say I remember everything about that one. Good guy or bad guy?" you prattled on.

You would intentionally ask questions just to see how giddy he got when he had a chance to explain and spill all of his knowledge onto someone.

"You would have to define bad. Murderous of course, as was any emperor back then. Violent too, but I always thought he was an alright guy. Bit of a liar though, which was unfortunate."

He walked to the next exhibit and stared at the piece in front of him with furrowed brows.

"Well go on, now you have me all interested," you teased trailing him, after he had paused the conversation.

"He made Christianity the main religion of Rome," Druig said, turning back around to look at you. "But the bastard was baptized on his death bed. Coward couldn't have committed to the religion before he was dying?"

Benevolent (Druig Eternals x Reader) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now