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Things had calmed down between the two of you after a few minutes. There was an anger still resting inside, but you were trying your hardest to let it go.

"So yes, my intentions weren't true necessarily when we first met. I still only had one goal in mind but things changed, I promise," he still insisted, holding onto your hands so tightly, terrified you'd slip away.

No matter what he was saying, it couldn't change the aching you still felt inside your chest. You knew he was too good to be true, you just knew that there was no way something like this could truly happen to you.

'Why did I ever think this fairytale could be real?'

"I wish you would stop saying that, it was real!" he yelled, anxiously searching your mind every second, desperate to ease your thoughts.

"No it wasn't! How could you live with yourself taking me on date after date! I really-" you choked up. "I really thought for once, someone actually liked me enough to just-"

You couldn't finish the sentence before bursting out into tears. You'd tried all night to not breakdown, but begrudgingly the stupid damn tears came out anyways.

As much as you had tried to let things go, you were finding it hard to rationalize what he did to you. Even if you loved him, there was still a nagging in the back of your head reminding you of what his intentions were. It felt like every fear you had about things being too perfect was becoming real, and Druig did nothing about it but watch you cry.

Things grew silent as the tension became thick between you two.

"Please stop crying, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, I can't apologize enough," he begged, still having no clue how to navigate this situation.

"I know you're sorry, I do. And I'm trying my best to still hear you out but this is so much to take in," you professed.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you, I knew it was too much!"

"So it would've been better if you kept lying to me? That's ridiculous, and you know it Druig," you snapped.

He sighed and you tried to take another calming breath.

"Look I'm going to get over it, I will. But right now, I just-I don't know how else you thought I'd react."

Druig knew there wasn't enough time, that you didn't have time to wait to try and forgive him. Every minute passing of you upset and mad, was one you wouldn't be able to get back with him.

"Oh, fuck it," he blurted out, as he stopped fighting his emotions and finally let his desires take over.

The sudden adrenaline pulsating throughout your body sent him into overdrive as he crashed his lips into yours. A fiery inferno began, igniting your senses and sending your mind to the most thrilling fantasies. Shockwaves were pulsating throughout your body, sending chills up your spine.

Despite how many times you had imagined it, the kiss was more passionate and electric than anything you could've dreamed of. It was pure ecstasy, his lips ravishing yours and his hands exploring your body. Every inch of you he wanted to touch, he wanted to claim all of you.

Druig's heart was racing so fast, he couldn't believe how perfect this moment was.

How perfect you were.

You simply couldn't recall ever feeling this intoxicated by a man's kiss. It was exhilarating, yet time stood still like every planet was suddenly in alignment. The world around you simply ceased to be as his hands moved to your neck, his mouth pressed to yours.

Benevolent (Druig Eternals x Reader) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now