𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟭𝟮.

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Continuation Of Previous Chapter

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Continuation Of Previous Chapter

We rode in complete silence from Khalan's apartment to the car park of the mall. Since he wanted to choke me up and shit I decided to give him the silent treatment.

I turned the car off before grabbing all the stuff i need to go into the mall with and by stuff I mean my phone and wallet. After grabbing my things we both stepped out of the car and walked towards the mall entrance.

Khalan was walking in front of me before he stopped and looked back as if he was waiting for me,

Oh so now you care bout me getting kidnapped after you just tried to choke me to death.

I ignored his presence, walked right past him and entered the mall, heading straight for Victoria Secret.

He stood beside me on his phone while I skimmed through the lace two and one pieces that they had. We spent about fifteen minutes in there before I picked some items out, bought them and left.

We started walking in the direction of the food court but I was stopped when a strong hand reached out and gently tugged at my wrist, causing me to turn around only to be greeted with a very irritated Khalan.

"Audre what the fuck is wrong with you? Cut this fake ass attitude out, we literally just went through this and here you are acting all mad again? If I did sum to you you have to tell me or else I'm not gon know" He stressed, calling me by my middle name.

My head turned to the side before I answered him, "I'm not mad" He sucked his teeth hecka long, as soon as he was gonna respond a feminine voice yelled his name throughout the mall.

He looked in the direction the noise came from before sucking his teeth, rolling his eyes and sighing, all in one go. I laughed at his reaction as he watched the girl approached us.

She looked me up and down, giving me a stank look then turned to Khalan and put a big smile on her face.

Well ok then bitch.

"Marie what the fuck do you want?" He asked, already aggravated with her.

She giggled, "Don't act like you don't miss me baby" She said while dragging her hand down his chest, which he quickly removed.

"Bitch I don't want nun to do withchu, I swear on my brother you got five seconds to get out my sight or Imma call Tink to beat the fuck outchu again" Her face went straight and you could see that she was terrified of whoever Tink was.

He started counting and she walked away. When she was finally out of our sight I let the laugh I was holding in the entire time out.

He turned to mug me, "Fuck u laughing for, that shit ain't even that funny and you here all akekekekek and shit" My laughter died down and I looked at him.

"What was that about?" I asked and he stood there, mug still very evident on his face.

I stood there for a while before I decided to tell her about what happened, "She was my ex, the ex for that matter, we dated from fifteen to eighteen but she did some fucked up shit that nobody could forgive her for,

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I stood there for a while before I decided to tell her about what happened, "She was my ex, the ex for that matter, we dated from fifteen to eighteen but she did some fucked up shit that nobody could forgive her for,

On my eighteenth birthday my brother had a block party for me, obviously she was there, about half way through the party she disappeared and I realized my brother went missing too. I went and started looking for them all around the house then when I got to the guest room I heard moaning, and the sounded hella familiar when I tried opening the door but it was locked so I kicked it open, only to see my girl on top my brother. Obviously I went off, I kicked both of em out along with everybody else who was in the house. The day after my brother came back looking like pure shit asking me what happened and telling me sorry for falling asleep during my party, so I just stood there looking at him confused as fuck. Turns out he ain't remember nun from the party, the last thing he remembered was talking to Marie and that made me hella suspicious.

I decided to pick sense outta nonsense and take him to go get a drug test, when we got the results back he had drugs in his system other than weed, and I know my brother don't pop no pills so what came to both our minds was that somebody drugged him, but the question was who. We snooped around and Marie's best friend at the time told us that she spiked my brothers drink while talking to him. I was fuming when I found out what she did so I called Tink, she's my cousin on my daddy side, and she definitely don't play bout family so she found Marie and beat the fuck outta her, after that nobody ain't never seen her back around here, until now" By the time I finished talking we got to my car and Jendayi was in disbelief.

"Why she not in jail, you do know that's sexual assault right?" She asked, still in shock,

"We took her to court but before she had to stand before the judge I had to pee and seen her sucking the judge up in the washroom and of course he threw the whole case out, when I tried raising it to their attention that she did what she did it was basically my word against the judge's so we just decided to say fuck her and leave her in the past." I said and she nodded slowly before a smile slowly started to appear.

She grinned, "So when Imma meet Tink, I think I'll like her" she smirked and I laughed before unlocking the car and opening the passenger door for her to get in.

"I ain't talk to her inna cool minute, she live bout a hour away so Imma either carry you so you can meet her or ask her if she gon visit anytime soon." She nodded and I closed her door then walked over to the drivers side.

I got in and we started going back in the direction of my apartment building. While driving I started thinking about how fucked up my brother got after the incident, after she drugged him he got addicted and started using, I only saw what was happening about a month in and sent him to rehab because I wasn't gonna look at my brother throw his life away for that hoe.

He spent 72 weeks at rehab and came back better than he was even before the drugs.

~ Kinda iffy about this chapter

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~ Kinda iffy about this chapter...Excuse my mistakes🙂.



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