Chapter 27 (Madison)

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It's been almost a month since I've seen Anubis, or talked to him at all. I've since been out of recovery thanks to the advance machines in Kat's lab and was able to move back into my room. I've been trying to see if Anubis was in the comand center, or the lobby but he is no where to be found so today I'm going to walk back to the comand center when I know he should be there. when I entered, I found him sitting in the comand chair looking over the screen. finaly I found him now we can have some time alone.
"hey it's been hard to find you lately." I said as I walked up to him. he looked up and I could see just how tired he was.
"hello cadet Jones, I'm sorry that you had trouble finding me."  Cadet Jones? he's never called me by my last name before let alone cadet. something isn't right.
"Is somthing wrong Anubis?" I asked staring at him with concern.
"no everything is well, now I must go" He said and walked away. No I love you, or I'll see you later. We'll I guess of he dose not want to talk he dose. Ot have to. I walked back to my room and watched TV before going to bed, my last thoughts were of Anubis.

The alarm went off and we all got to the command room. It was grum and he wanted anubis to come and fight him alone.
"I'll go, be on guard it could be a distraction." He said as he moved to walk out of the comand room. I placed my hand on his shoulder stopping him.
"Anubis don't go alone, take me with you." I said and he looked at me with such sadness.
"I must go." Was all he said but I didn't let it go this time. My anger boiled red inside my veins.
"What is going on with you?" I asked my tone angry. He looked at me surprised.
" I do not know what you..."
" don't give me that
, you've been ignoring me and when you have talked to me it's very little. I don't know what is going on Anubis, but I want you to talk to me, please." I said. He stared at me for a few moments his face full of regret.
"I'm sorry" He said and walked out the door.
"Fine." I said and walked up to Kat.
" if you need me let me know."
She looked at me with understanding and nodded. Then I turned and walked out leaving my confused teammates behind.

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