Chapter 5 (Madison)

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Sparks lit up the space around us as Anubis kissed me, his lips soft against mine. I placed my hands around his neck as he placed his around my waist pulling us closer together. I felt him place his tongue against my lips asking to deepen the kiss. I opened my mouth to him and moaned as I felt his tongue dance with mine.  He let out a low growl and pulled me closer to him our bodies almost against each other. We pulled away when the elevator door opened both out of breath as we stared at each other.
"So does this mean that we are dating?" I asked still staring into his brown eyes
"If that is what you want." He said placing his hand ton my check sending tingling sensations down my spine.
"But SPD rules states..."
"I know what SPD rules states, but I do have feelings for you Madison."he said
"Then I want to date you, but how are we going to get by the rules?" I asked
"We don"t let them know." He said simply
"Then I guess we're dating." I said as he stepped closer to me and kissed me lighting up my world once again. He walked me to my room and kissed me on the forehead before saying goodnight.
I woke up feeling happy and well retest even though I got no sleep last night. I got ready for the day, fixed my hair and then walked out the door. I went to the lobby no one was there yet so I made a cup of coffee and a muffin, sitting at a table I began to eat.
"Good morning cadet." A familiar voice behind me said though it lack it's usual commanding tone.
"Hello Commander." I said with a smile as he joined me at the table.
"Did you have a good nights rest?" He asked
"Yes of course." I lied but I knew the coffee would help as I tend to be hyper on caffeine. What ever happened today I will be ready for it. He looked at me then at my coffee and I sighed in defeat.
"Okay no I didn't, but dont't worry the coffee should wake me up." I said as he gave me a smile.
"If it makes you feel better, I didn't get much sleep either." He said as I gave him a concerned look.
"Why not?" I asked
"Because, I couldn't stop thinking about you." He said as he placed his hand on mine sending tingles down my arm. I looked at him his eyes staring into mine as I whispered knowing he would be the only one to hear.
"Me too."
We stared at each other for a moment lost in each other's eyes until I felt his lips on mine. When we finally pulled apart, we both were breathless and he placed his forehead against mine.
"Would you like to see a movie in my room tonight?" He asked and I smiled up at him
"Of course" I said and that's when the other cadets entered the lobby. Anubis quickly stood up and went rigid with authority.
" thank you for your report cadet,  I look forward to more information." He said as he turned on his heels and left. I also quickly focused on my breakfast in front of me until the blond haired ranger sat across from me.
"What was that about?" She asked giving me a bright smile.
"Just giving the Commander a report." I said as I handed her one of my muffins.
"Want one?" I asked giving her the same friendly smile.
'Sure, thanks." She said as she gladly took the muffin from me.
I drank the rest of my milk and was heading out the door to report to my daily duties when the alarms sounded and we were called to the command center and was sent to battle another one of Grums monsters. When we arrived at the scene, the monster was already rampaging on the civilians.
"SPD stop!" I yelled and the monster turned it's rage on us.
"Rangers! I'll destroy you all!" It bellowed before launching an attack.
We all dodged the attack and I launched a counter attack using my lasers up close. The monster wasn't fazed and picked me up and threw me hard into the wall with enough force to break the concrete. My suit took most of the hit so my body wasn't injured but dam it did it hurt not to mention that it took the breath out of lungs. I slowly got to my feet as my helmet buzzed with the Commander's voice.
"Madison are you okay?" He sounded concerned and I quickly answered
"I'm alright Commander." I said breathless.
We finaly captured the monster in a confinement card, thank god it didn't have a robot for us to fight. When we arrived back at head quarters, Commander bid us a job well done and dismissed us.
That night I dressed in a simple t shirt and pajama bottoms and made my way to Anubis's room, carful not to be seen. When I entered, I was greeted with a very concerned Anubis. He took me in his arms and kissed me deeply as he shut the door. I placed my hands around his neck as he placed his on my back. I felt the pain and winced into the kiss and he noticed immediately.
"Your hurt." He said pulling away from me and gently turning me around to inspect my back. He growled at what he saw as he touched my back gently.
" what is it?" I asked
"You have a large bruise on your back." He said between teeth. I walked to the bathroom and look in the mirror and sure enough there was a bruise on my back that ran from my lower back up to the middle. It's a wonder i didn't feel it. Before i knew what was happening, Anubis picked me up in his arms and carried me to the Lab where Kat was working.
"What's going on?" Kat asked as she watch Anubis carry me in.
"She is hurt."he said laying me on the table.
"Where,let me see her."Kat said walking over to me preparing to examine me.
"It's just a large bruise on my back I'm fine." I said hoping to calm the situation. Kat looked at my back and nodded and walked over to a table and brought back a small machine.
"She just got a little bruised when she was thrown durning battle today that's all Doggie. I can make it go away with this" she said holding up the machine.
"What is that?" I asked looking at the thing with curiosity.
"It's a medical machine that helps heal scraps and bruises instantly." She said hooking up the machine. She put the machine on my back where the bruise was and turned it on. I felt warmth and tingling for a few moments as the machine did it's work. When she pulled it away, she gave us a small smile.
"There all done, now if you don't mind I'm going to get back to work." She said as she turned and started working on something else as we walked back to his room.

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