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Life is a series of choices, some seem easy to others, like choosing your ice cream flavor or it may seem like the biggest decision in the world to others. Everything weighing on something as simple as a flavor of ice cream that would eventually melt down your hand and make a mess was a conundrum Bambi Colin would take any day versus her current situation.

When you say 'Yes' when your fiancé is bended on one knee, eyes shining full of love and admiration, you never once think to yourself, "is this a life or death situation?", it never crosses your mind that the same hand he uses to slide the massive diamond- even if your more of simple gem kind of girl- he would use that very hand to choke you until you see stars.

  Bambi's mother had pushed for them to be together, it wasn't enough she had driven Bambi's older brother away three years after her father died of a stroke- now she was sticking her hand up her daughters back and using her like a puppet, living the life she didn't have through her daughter.

Before she knew it eight years blurred past her, like watching the world out the window of a train matching the speed of a bullet.

"Arianna, are you even listening?" The use of her middle name draws an instant frown on her face, her mother's tone was one would use if talking to a toddler, not a grown woman shopping for her wedding gown.

"Yes, mother."

"Good. A veil is traditional, without one you would just be trashy- young lady could you maybe find us something in lace, preferably in size zero-" Bambi's eyes widen, glancing down at her wide hips and large bust.
"Don't worry dear, with a few trips to the gym and cut back on your portion sizes and you'll fit in that in no time." The bridal shop worker, looked uncomfortable as she shuffles away, Bambi's cheeks flaming hot in humiliation but her mother only him, crossing one ankle over the other as she flicks through a magazine.

Bambi's feet swing in the chair as she gazes around the shop crowded with frilly, lace, silk and other materials alike. Most brides to be should feel ecstatic, pure bliss to be shopping the dress of their dreams but the feeling of dread was pooling into Bambi's stomach, she chews on her bottom nail but quickly sits on her hands at her mothers scolding gaze.

She didn't want to be married, not to Sean Green. A man with a big ego and an even bigger punch. She certainly didn't want a too tight dress and extra long veil in her face if she was going to get married, she didn't want to be stuck in a hot church with people who didn't love her and she definitely didn't want to have a wedding without her brother there to walk her down the isle.

"Mom." She hesitates, teeth coming down to pull on the dead skin on her lips.

"Hmm." Her mother doesn't even look up, just flicks to a mermaid gown with an open back and plunging neckline, Bambi thought it was gorgeous.
"What a trashy thing to wear to a wedding, scandalous, really." Her mother sighed heavily and flicked to the next page with disinterest.
"What is it Arianna? You know I hate when you do that." Her mother sighs again, seeming agitated and Bambi hesitates, is it worth it?

"I-I don't want to get married." She watched with a pounding heart as her mother placed down the magazine, blinking slowly at her only daughter before shaking her head and smiling as if she never even heard her.
"I think you would look gorgeous in something lace but not too revealing."

"Mom did you hear me? I said I don't want-"

"I heard you Bambi, We all have to do things we don't like, that's what happens when your an adult. You've got a rich lawyer up your ass ready to give you the world and your willing to throw it all away and for what exactly?" Bambi gulps under her mother's scrutinizing gaze, her mom had a way of eating her with her words and used her height to tower over her daughter.

Bambi flattens her hands out on her black pencil skirt, having stepped away from work to come here she was still dressed in her business attire, being her fiancé's assistant in his law firm she was constantly worried about her fashion choices. It was enough of her name going through the mud because she was his assistant, but people never knew the whole story.

"I was thinking I could go back to schoo-"

"Don't be such a naive little girl, Art school is a joke, what husband do you think you'll find living in the slums covered in paint? God forbid you have children out of wedlock, how will you support it? I may have made the mistake to allow your father to give you such a childish name but life is not a fairytale."
The bridal worker, hidden behind several layers of stacked fabric cheeks flush in embarrassment for the poor girl. Bambi's recoiled into herself, allowing her mind to wonder while her mother played dress up as if she was her personal doll.

Which she often felt like at times she was her mother's doll, taken out of the toy box when it's time to act accordingly. But now she was someone else toy, and Sean doesn't take care of anything he owns.

"Ms. Colin, Mr. Green is requesting you in his office."
"Oh, Thank you Leah." Bambi was just packing her things to leave, having spent the morning in the bridal shop with her mother talking all things wedding- one Bambi was dreading. Finishing off the afternoon and evening filing paperwork, tabbing Sean's up and coming cases, and any other work she could get her hands on to avoid Sean for the rest of the day.

But they shared a pent house- correction- Sean owned the penthouse and demanded Bambi move in three days after to agreed to the proposal. It only took two more for her to become an expert at plugging a bloody nose.

Sean's office was at the end of the hall of cubicles, the one next to his office was empty, Bambi supposed to move her work things in there at the end of the week.

Sean wasn't unattractive with slicked back raven hair he kept clean cut and calculating grey eyes. A chiseled jaw and a ripped body to match, he looked as if though he stepped out of a photo shoot, always dressed to the nines. But his I'll temper and entitled attitude made him ugly.

"I thought you were going to wear the blue top today." Bambi hadn't even fully stepped into his office, her gaze drawn to the white button down tucked neatly into her skirt.

"It had to be ironed and I didn't have time do your clothes and my own-"

"So get up earlier, don't blame me for your procrastination." He sighs loudly, clicking his briefcase shut and it takes Bambi a moment to recover from the insult to remember she was beckoned here.

"You sent for me, did you need something?" Her tone wavers as his cold eyes glance to her, releasing her breathe when his phone beeped.

"I have a dinner with an important client, you won't need to be in attendance." Although he called her all the way down the hall for such a petty reason she couldn't help but be relieved she didn't have to suffer through one of his client dinners. Sitting stiffly and second guessing her every move so she doesn't embarrass him.

His expensive cologne invades her senses as he walks past her to his in office closet for his jacket. She gulps, noticing the sly smirk on his face, a gut wrenching feeling ripping through her at the familiarity of it.

"What time will you be home?" Her voice is soft, low and barely there. Sean takes his time to look at his fiancé, her wavy brown hair that swept at her waist, big doe hazel eyes looking up at him due to her short stature, but his chest doesn't pool with warmth when he looked her head to toe and back up again.

With a click of his tongue, "Dont wait up." His cologne chokes her as he pushes past her and out of his office. One thought ranging loudly in her head, in her ears.

Her fiancé is an unfaithful man.

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