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  A full day of non stop travel on the cramped bus and Bambi finally found herself dumped at the grey hound station with the rest of the passengers. She had sat to the very back, tugging a sweater around her  shoulders although the massive skirt of her wedding gown stood out massively.

Oddly enough, the blood, grime, sweat and other dirt coating her dress was comical to her. She'd imagine her mothers appalled face, 'Maybe she'd even faint.' She snickered to herself.

Although it was night time, the sky was illuminated with lights from the flashing lights and attractions that made up the streets of Vegas. Her thumb nail flicked the corner of the envelope nervously as she looked around for a cab.
Her shoes flopped with her rapid steps to hail a cab rushing past. Cheeks flush with the effort as her duffel bag slapped against the back of her knees, her limp wasn't making the task any easier.

With a sigh, Bambi starts to head in a random direction until things start looking familiar. It was strange, she had been getting odd stares and curious glances her whole journey but now she seemed to blend in easily with the other shot gun brides littering the crowded streets, their grooms cackling loudly with the horrible impersonated Elvis.

  "I think I made a wrong turn." The fence is massive, barbed wire wrapped around the wire of the chainlink fence. A fat slab of wood and a big black latch stood in front of the entrance and in front of that door two just as massive, terrifying bikers. The line of Harley's stretched the length of the parking area are enough to give that away and from where she stands, a few feet away from the huge men she can hear what sounds like a party.

"You lost princess?" One of them drawls, his heavy boots crunching the grovel underneath them as he takes two long strides towards Bambi, his shadow stands over her shaking form as she steps back slightly.

"N-no." Yes. But she wasn't about to give what she hoped was still her brothers address to a stranger in hopes of directions.

The biker, a man of height with bulging muscles under his leather jacket, the word prospect and tire Were etched into the front of the leather cut. His ashy blonde hair falling into his calculating blue eyes as he scanned the small thing in front of him. Eyes narrowing in on the blood covering her dress, the dry tear shrieks on her bruised face and her lip has split back open with the effort to utter the single word.

Bambi flops away, not waiting for a response and trying to keep the limp out her walk as much as possible. Tire stands there curiosity bubbling in his chest as he watches her stumble away like a deer on new legs.

"All good brother." Iron, another prospect assigned watch duty with Tire called out. Tire nods, finally tearing his gaze from her broken form.
"Yeah, she's just lost." He mumbled stepping back to his post.

The house was just as she remembered it, sitting at the bottom of the hill a two story White House with blue shutters that stood out in the street lights. A freshly painted white picket fence bloomed a small spark of hope for Bambi. She paused, taking in what was one of her many homes in her childhood.

The large maple tree still held a tire swing hanging from it, although she wasn't sure if it's the same one she used to beg her brother to push her on until she got dizzy. The porch swing still squeaked as the wind brushed against it, the familiarity of it all was enough to make her burst into tears.

The porch light wasn't on, and all the lights were off in the house. Without her phone Bambi couldn't tell what time it was, thought it'd be smarter to leave it behind along with all her credit cards, she had about $380 left over, a hotel wouldn't be ideal but neither would sleeping on what could be a strangers porch.

Her conundrum had left her blind to her surrounding momentarily, missing the roaring sound of a motorcycle flying down the hill, not until the head light of the bike casted her shadow over the front door.

Bambi felt her heart seize in her chest as the engine cut, turning to face what she assumed was one of the bikers from the bar she past.
'You should have kept walking.' She scolded herself as the figure dismounted the bike. Not quite noticing the filthy bride on his door step, too occupied with the red head giggling in his arms.
Bambi panics, about to bolt but the red head notices her first. Her jaw slackened before an angry expression takes over her face and Bambi's stunned in awe as the woman tears away from the still oblivious man.

"What the fuck bullet!? I'm not into three ways." Bambi cringed, did she look like that's what she was here for?

"What the hell are you on about woman?" The voice was now matured, drowning in a growl misted with a deep baritone. But underneath that Bambi could still make out the prepubescent sound of her older brothers voice, the porch creaked under her as she stepped forward on shaky legs.

"H-hunter?" Bullets head almost spun off his shoulders at the sound of his name, squinting into the dim lighting, his heart flying a mile a minute in his chest as he takes in her chestnut brown hair, and familiar doe hazel eyes because they're identical to his own.

"Bambi." She could feel herself get heavy with emotion at the amount of relief in her brothers tone and as much as it hurt her body she threw her self at him, wrapping her tiny arms around her massive brother, his response immediate wrapping one arm securely around her back and the other cradling her head like a baby, his baby sister.

And finally, Bambi was able to let the dam go, burying her face into her older brothers chest she searches for that comfort he always provided when she was a little girl when she'd fall and scrape her knee or their mother would hurt her feelings. Hunter had always been there to pick up the pieces of Bambi, to pull her back together after their mother had picked her apart.

Until he got picked apart one too many times, finding his own solace in his fathers old house in Nevada. Now he regretting fleeing for his own pains because now his little sister was sobbing broken in his arms when he promised their father he'd protect her.

"I'm sorry, Bam, I'm so fucking sorry."

A/N : I haven't edited any of these chapters, 
feel free to point out any grammar errors 🖤

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