Behind the scenes: bloopers

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A/N: I promise next chapter we continue the story!! 😭

They were climbing up the top of Unova's temple "alright come on guys. Come on we're almost there" Rachel says

Making it to the top the small group watched the ocean "there it is" Tony sighed "that's where we're going"

Rachel suddenly slipped and fell down the set "oh-oh my gosh!!" Rachel grunted the group laughing

"RACHEL!!!" Tony yelled


"And. Everyone action!"

"UNOOOOVAAAAAAA SOOOOOOONG!!" Rachel and Madison were screaming and cheering to get all their energy out


Rachel sat down next to Cheren with a sigh "it's just not thought up-belughwalbleug"


Rachel laughed nervously "sorry"


Cheren rubbed his forehead "you didn't think they were just gonna go-let-go straight through..."

Madison tried to hold in a laugh but chuckled a little


"Madison..." Bianca panted heavily and there was a super long pause

"Are you gonna say your next line?" Madison asks

"No" Bianca shook her head

"Copy that" Madison laughed


"I wanna go to the zoo to see the flamingos" Madison says

Rachel and the others behind camera laughed

"This is where our acting abilities are truly tested" Troy laughed pointing at the camera


"I can't remember your name" Katelyn busted into a chuckle

"It's Tony" Tony says and Katelyn laughed more "I know"


"What's with the rat man?" Rachel asks throwing her bag over her shoulder

Madison sighed pausing for a second "I don't know but I think he's on game of thrones.." she mumbled

Hilda busts into laughter

"Is that cut?"


"Uki!" Madison yells "Noooo! Nooooooo!" Madison took a deep breath "ahhhhhhhh" she whined "ah f*ck!" she leaned on the table out of breath


"It's like all day guys" Rachel says

"It's like all day guys" everyone says in unison

"This is where the authors writing skills are truly tested" Madison laughs


"...get down...Everybody Hide! HIDE!" Tony exclaims running around "F*CK WHERE!?"

"Cut! Redo!"

"Get down. Everybody hide! Hide!" Tony repeated his line running around again

"what did we talk about!?" Unima yells


"Okay come on! Come on everyone up-there one with me" Madison sighed


"Wanna read the last line?"

"Yeah got it" N says

"Okay and...action"

N pauses for a long while and waited...

"What's the last line?" Troy asks and N laughed nervously getting up to read the script


Hugh was crouched by a tree for a long time before he finally whispers "do you want me to leave?"


"Okay" Hugh says in whispers


Madison was literally just walking when a piece of the set falls over

"Is that cut?"

"I didn't even touch it" Madison says with a nervous laugh


"And...action. Go get her!"

Kyra, Unima and Z chased a grunt down a hallway. The dressed up actors squealed as she was grabbed and laughed


"wHat ARe YOu DOiNg tO HeRrRR" Madison yells across set while Rachel and N were shooting a small scene making both of them look over and everyone laugh


Rachel ran down the hall with a growl

"No Rachel!" Madison yells

"Rachel come back!" Troy yells

Rachel messes up her footing and stumbles bumping into the person she was supposed to kick "shoot sorry-"

"Your alright"

"Sorry guys" Rachel shook her head


"Shoot-shoot Maddie it's not opening! The card says it's granted but it's not opening!" Rachel yells

"Why does it say it's granted?"

"I don't know!" Madison laughed

"Kay cut! Redo"

"Shoot. Shoo-" Madison accidentally broke the prop "alright let's go. We win" she laughed


Madison throws her pokeballs and turns to run but she accidentally hit a camera "shoot sorry! Danmit DANMIT!" She whined


"Shoooot!" Troy jumped back but a light almost hit Rachel behind him who was leaning back "oh"



Everyone ducked down and got an overhead shot. The camera turning all the way back to the crew "hey everybody! Say hi to the camera!"


Madison was untying herself pretty quickly and her hand hit the camera "sorry camera" she whined "I hit you camera"


"Alright. Cut there"

"Cut cut!"

Tony kicked at the back of Madison's knee. She turned around and started chasing him "don't kill me!" Tony laughed


"WooooOOOOO!" Hilda lets out a huge cheer in the canyon and it echos make her grin "sorry that was awesome"


The group woke up to a pidove eating their scraps "hey! Hey! Get out of here!" Madison tried to wave it away. The bird didn't move "hey!"

Cheren laughed Bianca remained in her sleeping position just watching the bird

"Go" Madison laughed as someone finally came over and picked up the pidove to move it


Bianca was talking to Madison but she couldn't really hear her

"what?" She asks trying to hear better but still couldn't "cool." She nodded and pointed at the camera "cut"

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