Unova Arc Chapter 6: The Pokemon Daycare pt2

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The mission to retrieving the little girl's cottonee went well, there were three grunts to handle just like she had said, so Hilda battled one, Cheren battled the other, and Madison had cornered the last who was the one with cottonee, and surprisingly, it was the same boy that was trying to get ahold of the Munna.

"Stealing Pokemon and bullying others, team plasma isn't saving pokemon from trainers at all!!" Madison accused the boy. Tony, grunted and looked at the ground "I know...sorry" He said softly, surprising Madison..Did he just apologize? She blinked and ignored this at first "Snivy! Leaf Blade!" She ordered, her starter jumped and flipped around, slashing its tail onto the Grunt's Patrat he was using, crashing it against the stone wall, fainting. "Alright!" Madison smirked, Tony frowned and looked away in shame at this. But with an annoyed face he glared at Madison "My orders were to keep the pokemon out of trainers reach, that's what i'll do!"

Madison growled at this but then blinked and looked behind Tony, Uki had somehow snuck behind the whole battle and freed the cottonee of its cage and held it gently "that won't be necessary" Uki smirked and when Tony turned around, she stuck her tongue out at him, then bolted "Let's go!" Uki cheered to Madison

"You Sneaky ass!!" Madison cheered and Snivy even laughed as well as they ran out of the cave from team plasma "Book it, book it, book it! Book It!!" Uki grunted

"Go, Go!" Madison laughed, they came to the face of sunlight where they noticed Cheren and Hilda were waiting for them

"You got the cottonee!" Hilda smiled

"We chased down the grunts and just came to dead ends" Cheren says "So we figured you two had found it" he concluded "Glad i was right" he shifted his glasses up proudly. Uki laughed at this "That's sweet of you to believe in us!" She smiled, Cheren blinked and blushed a little at this, turning his head away stubbornly.

Snivy all at their feet was still in a jittery state and was moving around a lot, running in circles and grunting, she finally ended up headbutting Hilda's leg "Woh snivy! You're just full of energy aren't you!?" Madison gasps in surprise with a nervous laugh

"You know Madison, restlessness can be a sign of evolution! One more battle and Snivy could evolve!" Hilda mentioned

"No way! That's awesome!" Uki smiled, Madison picked up Snivy "you're the best partner anyone could ask for!" Madison smiles

"What every pokemon wants to hear" Rachel approached the group with a smirk, one hand on her hip

"Hey Rachel!" Uki smiled, Rachel waved to them "Glad you got cottonee back, I didn't see any grunts the other direction, so their probably fleeing the cave by now, we should take cottonee back to the little girl" Rachel's suggests

"Good idea...Race you guys there!!" Uki suddenly bolted down the road "HEY!!!" Hilda ran after her, Madison and Rachel both laughed and Madison picked up Snivy to run after them as well, Cheren shrugged and jogged after them as well, Rachel right behind him.


The daycare was in perfect hands with Bianca, the little girl got her pokemon back, all was well, and now, the sun was setting, the trainers were all offered a spare room to sleep in for the night by Fennel, but since there was a lot of them, they decided to camp under the stars, everyone was in their sleeping bags, sitting or laying in a circle around each other, Hilda had her Larvesta make a small campfire with a bit of spare wood they had gathered.

"Man, we should camp out more often on this journey, the sky is gorgeous at night," Madison smiled. Rachel nodded in agreement. "N would love this place..." she mentions subconsciously

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