Chapter 15

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Isa's POV

I woke up in a familiar room..

His room.

I dragged my feet outside the bedroom, went down stairs. I didn't see him anywhere, did he go somewhere?

Suddenly someone was going down the stairs with a towel brushing on his head by his right hand. Damped hair, black casual clothing..

Why does he look so good??? Aish now my heart is pumping like crazy.

I felt a hand waving in front of my face.

"Isa" he called.

"H-huh?" I stuttered.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Umm, yeah.." I said silently.

"Do you want to eat? Or do you want to go home?" he continued to dry his hair with the towel.

"EAT!" I quickly answered. There's no way I'm gonna go back than staying with him, duh.

"Let's eat" I rushed to the kitchen.

After we ate, Kenji drove me home. Yeah he has a car, in fact it's a freaking MERCEDES C-CLASS. It was hidden in his garage which he rarely uses. He said he prefers to walk..

We arrived at my house. I unbuckled my seatbelt and was about to open the door, i turned around and said

"Bye.." once again i open the door and just before i stepped out, he spoke..

"Do you remember what you said last night?" I looked at him, he was not looking at me.

"About what?" I asked.

"After we watch the movie" I was more confused, because i don't remember what he's talking about.

"What I remember was dozing off during the movie? I don't know.."

He kept quiet..

"Well then.. Bye" I was two steps away from the car.

"You said you like me"




"I-i.. gotta go" I ran inside the gate.

I went up to my room, shut the door and jumped inside my duvet.

"Did I really said that??"

"But I don't remember anything!"

"AISHH THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!" i mentally cried.

"And if I did.. What will he think of me?"

"And why did he have to put on that flat face saying yOu sAiD YoU liKe mE" i mimicked his deep voice.

"Great job isa, you are officially f*cked up.."

"But I mean I wouldn't lie if I actually said I liked him.." my cheeks were getting hot.

"How am i going to face him on monday?" I covered my red face with my cold palms.

Why.. just.. Why..

Then I thought of something.

"PIPER!" I screamed on the phone.

"WHAT THE HELL??" she screamed back.

"Sorry.. BUT REALLY! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW" I said desperately.

"What happened?" she asked.

"So.. last night I was at Kenji's house, and we watched a movie"

"Did you watch p*rn with him?" she cut my words.

"No ew"





"Okay fine what happened?"

"I stayed at his house last night, and this morning he drove me back" I said carefully.

"So you didn't have s*x?" she said.


"OKAY CONTINUE SORRY" She apologized.

"He said that i.. Confessed last night" i finished.

"OMG really??" she said excitedly.

"But I don't remember anything! i just remembered watching a movie then BOOM BLACKED OUT!"

"Pft you must have sleep talk again" then i realised..

"Well sh*t.." I hate my sleep talk.

"What did he say after?"

"Nothing, cause I ran inside after he said that" my voice went down at the end.

"You are stupid my friend" she said.


"At least it's not a lie, you really like him right?"

"Yeah" I shyly admitted.

"Well ask him if you want, ask him about his feelings, i mean.. What I saw is that boy has a soft side for you" her words gave me a little hope.

"I'm not getting my high hope" I said.

"Yeah yeah sure princess, we can discuss it more on monday okay?"

"Okay, bye"

"Bye!" she ended the call.

I sigh..

Wish me luck..

To be continued...

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