Chapter 10: Victory Milkshakes

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Important A/N at the end. Please read.

"So where are we guys going again?" I asked as Dad drove the six of us away from the ExCel. I was glad that I auditioned hours ago because the arena was getting pretty crowded than before.

I still can't shake off the memory in my head when the judges gave me four yeses during my audition. I've never performed in public ever and my weird dreams did predict that I was going to run off the stage.

But it didn't happen at all. Instead, I thought about my promise for Mom and forgiving my Dad. It took all the weight off my shoulders and the worries from my brain.

"To the best place to get the most awesome milkshakes in the world!" Darius announced in a deep, American accent. At least he didn't fail on it.

The others gave eachother are-you-thinking-what-I'm-thinking looks and it looked pretty obvious it was their favourite milkshake shop.

"Shake Away!" they chorused and we ended up roaring with laughter. If only the girls were here, they would've been in stitches right now.

Oh my God! I've been having a good time with my new friends, I've forgotten about Mo, Sarah and Lauren! I reluctantly fished for my phone from my bag, angry with myself for forgetting the greatest friends ever.

Tragically, my phone was drained. "Darn," I groan, tossing my phone back in my bag. Great, the three of them would've been. flipping out.

I stayed quiet for a while, constantly listening about Jack and Dave's strange stories and Eloise ranting about how much she hates Justin Bieber. Its great to have friends with the same dislikes and tastes in music, isn't it?

Eloise took her seatbelt off and tapped my shoulder, whispering into my ear, "I have to tell you something, it's about Anthony."

My breath hitched, "Later, he can probably hear you right now."

"Okie dokie." Eloise plopped back into her seat, continuing her rant about the Canadian Pop Sensation.


The journey to the famous 'Shake Away' was quite interesting. I learned that Darius recently nearly choked to death while eating ice cream. I couldn't tell if it was a joke or true story but it was hilarious!

"We're here!" my Dad happily exclaimed as we pulled into the parking lot of Shake Away Milkshakes. The shop wasn't very large, in fact, it was almost the same size as a local corner store back in Marlton.

It was very clean and new looking compared to the run down and dull looking buildings beside it. There were metallic tables and chairs in front of the shop like a normal café. The squeaky clean shop windows read, 'milkshakes re-invented. 150+ milkshakes and more.'

I took my seatbelt off and hopped off Dad's convertible. Eloise literally jumped on top of everyone just to get into Shake Away. I walked up to the automatic doors and looked around in awe. Dad was right, it was better than an average American corner store.

You could see the colours blue and yellow everywhere. Darius and Jack had to grip both of Eloise's pale arms in case she got frantic and devoured all the various milkshake ingredients.

The counter was, obviously, designed blue and yellow with the pink Shake Away logo carved into it. No one was behind the counter, just the different milkshake ingredients in seperate containers. I could see dark chocolate, vanilla, gummy bears, Oreos and many more.

Dave spotted a tap bell and, like a childish little boy, started tapping on it repeatedly until an annoyed looking employee entered the room. She pulled the tap bell away from Dave and took out a notebook from her pocket.

She asked for our orders. Eloise jumped excitedly and started naming all the ingredients from the menu. Not literally, but it seemed like it.

"I'll have a large Ferrero Rocher with mini Oreos, smarties, popping candy and nuts please!" My gosh, it's like the end of the world for her.

The boys and I ordered regular Kinder Buenos each. My dad paid our milkshakes and we sat on the tables outside.


Eloise and I were back home, pigging down on Granny's pasetrties. 

"Oi!" I playfully snapped. We tackled eachother for the last crumpet until we heard a Skype call on the MacBook. The username, 'MissMoMusic64' was requesting to video chat.

"My friends!" I squealed as I got off Eloise and clicked the answer button.

"Christina Victoria Grimmie! Why haven't you been answering my calls?!" Mo said angrily. Behind her was Sarah and Lauren giggling.

I rolled my eyes, "And a good day to you too, Moriah. I'm sorry, my phone drained out on me. Art thou convinced?"

"Indeed, I am convinced. We miss you like loads! Sarah won't stop wailing about you, Chrissy Bear."

I looked at Sarah, who stopped giggling and started to fake cry. I laughed at my three idiotic friends. Eloise sat on the chair beside me, knowing that I needed to introduce her.

After Sarah stopped wailing, the three saw Eloise sitting beside me. "Guys, this is Eloise. She likes Pokémon and Anime too," I said.

Eloise waved happily at the camera and the trio waved back. "Guess what? Christina and I got three yeses for the judges on our audition!" Eloise cheered.

"Oh my God! We're so proud of you two!" Lauren exhilarated, doing her ridiculous happy dance. Oh God, I remember doing that dance in public as a dare. It was so embarrassing.

I saw Eloise checking her phone. It was already nine in the evening. "Hey Chris, I have to go home now. My mom is gonna kill me if I don't get home soon," she whined.

I led her to the door and waved goodbye. I watched her jump over the stone wall and enter her house.

I closed the front door and skipped back to the living room. "Yo, Earth to Christina?" Mo said through the camera. I put the laptop on my lap, followed by Tepig.

I heard the trio coo at the little ball of fluff. "Guys, this is Tepig, my dad's new dog."

"You named him after Tepig? You should've named him Link or Zelda or even Ganondorf!" Lauren smirked.

"My dad suggested it, Mo." I replied, giving her a stern face.

"Sorry, anyway, when are you doing your next cover?"

"On Saturday maybe. What song should I sing?"

"Well there's this singer from the Philippines who appeared in Oprah and Ellen. I think he name is Charice. Her new song is catchy, you should check it out. It's called Pyramid I think."

"Alright I'll see what I can do."


I'm currently editing out parts of the plot that were unecessary and boring, haha. I figured that I should've went straight to the X-Factor bits hence the title.

Stay Beautiful,



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