Chapter 20: What Happened?

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When I logged into Wattpad today, I couldn't stop grinning at the amount of amazing people who actually read my story! This is amazing and it made me want to post this chapter. It's not going to be a quite long chapter but the next chapter, it's the first of the live shows! I don't know if I'll be posting the next chapter soon. So this chapter is for all of you :')


Laying on my bed staring at the white ceiling was just as relaxing than communicating with the others downstairs. The door was locked. Pushing aside the fact that I'm the only contestant who's not from around here (apart from Niall, Rebecca, Nicolo and Wagner), I couldn't help but feel that I' outcast.

I mean think about it. All the ladies desperately need to look appealing for television and I'm just here on my bed doing absolutely nothing of it means looking the least bit presentable in front of thousands of viewers watching right now. People have been throwing the same questions at my face over and over again:

''You're from America?''

''What part of America are you from?''

''Are the people nice there?''

''You're that girl from YouTube right?''

It begins to turn into a daily process and I feel like a robot, or vending machine. The questions are crippled up notes and they try to insert it in to get their answer. I thought joining the X-Factor was for my great experience and to build up my confidence, but it turns out, I feel like an act for a circus.

''Christina? Are you there?''

I sit up instantly and brushed my thoughts away, ''Yeah? Who is it?''

''It's Cher, can I come in?''

I got up and opened the door to see Cher full of sunshine and happiness.

''Can I help you?'' I asked.

''Myself and some other people are going to a party tonight. Would you like to come along? Katie is coming as well?'' Cher piped in.

I looked at her with anxiety, ''I'd love to, but parties are not really my thing. It's something I've really hated to this day.''

''Well that's too bad, I really wanted you to come, most of us are going,'' she said getting up and walking to the door.

Cher stopped in her tracks and turned to me, ''Are you and Liam seeing each other?''

Woah, woah, woah, that happened way too fast. ''What? No, no, I'm not,'' I replied with panic. ''He's a friend of a friend, that's all.''

''Oh, sorry about that. I'm three doors away if you wanna change your mind,'' Cher smiled and left the room.

Me seeing Liam? That's insane.


''I cannot believe you're not going!'' Katie gasped after telling her the news. She was having a hard time deciding what to wear to this party.

''Hey, parties are not my thing,'' I frowned as I sat on her bed. ''What's the point anyway? You just come into the place, drink alcohol, get wasted and then go home.''

''Hmm, I guess you're right,'' Katie sighed zipping up her tight black dress. ''But there's a big chance you could meet toned hotties.''

I laughed and rolled my eyes, ''The only thing I'm focused on is this competition. I promised Cheryl to not let her down. She told me not to go looking for trouble.''

Katie huffed and nudged me jokingly, "I won't push you. You don't have to come. I'll see you later."


Two hours has passed and I had been practising Cheryl's chosen song for me again and again until I was happy with what I've came up with. I messed up many times on the grand piano downstairs, the sound echoing through the empty house.

The only people who are in the house apart from me, are the lovely chefs who cooks the most delicious meals on the world. Linda, the head chef, made sure I didn't feel alone whilst I practiced my song. God bless her.

The second I stood up from the chair to return back upstairs, the front door of the mansion and in came a very, angry, Sophia Wardman. The rest of the finalists including a shocked Rebecca followed her into the main room.

"That was the stupidest thing you've ever done, Sophia!" Geneva yelled. "You could've killed your own bandmate!"

"What happened? Why are you all angry?" I said rushing over to Katie.

"Sophia hit Esther in the head with a bottle and she was rushed to the hospital with a bloody head,"Katie explained, short of breath. 

''She what?!" My eyes widened in shock. I always knew Sophia wasn't to be trusted on the first day, she was horrid and annoying to me when I first met her but now she has physically abused her own friend and band mate.

''Come one, let's take this upstairs, the producers and the police are coming in a few seconds,'' Katie panicked, ushering me upstairs quickly.


Katie and I watched as a police car and  a van drive into the yard in our little balcony. It was 10:50pm and people were trying to see what was happening over the tall fence. It was insane!

''So, Esther got hit by Sophia just because she was wearing her shoes? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard,'' I scoffed sitting on my bed.

''You wouldn't have enjoyed the club,'' Katie said. ''The men there were disgusting and the blood on Esther's head was gruesome.''

''I feel sorry for her. The live shows start in two days, how will Belle Amie even perform?''

''This is the X-Factor. The producer's will think of something and cover up the whole story and all, it could cause a storm in the media.''

''At least you had fun tonight, I was stuck her for two hours practising my first song.''

''Well, you're very much prepared. Get some sleep, we have rehearsals tomorrow.''


I. AM. SOOO awfully sorry that this chapter is short and rushed but my family are buzzing around the house packing our clothes for London. In the meantime, my One Direction fan fiction will be up tomorrow! All your support made me wanna continue writing more stories. Thank you so much :')


~MelodicDreams ♥

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