Chapter 17: A Twist Of Fate

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"Good luck getting through," I sighed to Rebecca as we watched the trees sway beyond Coworth Park.

Rebecca, too, got emotional while singing her song and was also nervous about what might happen. The ladies were inside trying to calm eachother down after their last performances but I had to leave immediately; I hated seeing people cry. It made me want to tear up too.

"You know, Christina, Cheryl won't be revealing the results until tomorrow. How are you positive that you'll be packing your bags soon?" she asked.

How am I positive? I let out another sigh, "I was shaking throughout the whole song. I should've picked something else. I messed up parts of the song too."

"I did too. But Cheryl would've seen some potential in you. After all, everyone's buzzing about you," Rebecca smiled.

"What do you mean?," I asked inquisitively.

"Your fans are spreading the word about you, love. You have dedicated soldiers," she laughed. As much as I appreciated Rebecca's words of wisdom, I couldn't believe that my fans care about what I'm going through. After all, it's thanks to Mo, Sarah and Lauren.


Dermot led me through the corridors and different rooms. After an hour of waiting for my name to be called, it was finally my turn to find out my fate. I had trouble deciding if I wanted to get through or not. I'll just have to find out myself.

We reached a fine carved door at the end of the longest corridor I've walked through. This is it. My Cheryl is in the other side of this room, I can already feel my heart rate speeding at an incredible rate.

"Good luck, Christina. Whatever happens, we'll still remember you," Dermot chuckled.

"Thank you, you've been a great help," I smiled.

I opened the door slowly and peeked in. The room was filled with the most antique items I've ever seen. The tables and chairs looked like it's been around during Granny's days, but somehow, they looked quite new.

Last night, I couldn't sleep. My brain wouldn't shut up whether I wanted to go home or not. It wasn't until I finally realised that my grandfather was the reason I loved singing. He taught me lessons about finding your inner voice and putting emotions in your song. I couldn't believe how blind I was. I wanted to stay. I had to take risks, and I'm about to face one right now.

"Ah, Christina Grimmie, there you are." Cheryl was sitting in a cream couch. It was one of those couches my mom would love to have in our home. I wish she was here, to gaze at this beautiful place. But right now, I'm praying to hear that 'yes'. That's all I want. That one word, to fullfill Grandpa's hopes and dreams for me, to finally sing for everyone and be loved.

I sat down beside her and quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead. I hope she doesn't have a sense of smell, because I'm soaked which is not attractive for a teenager.

"How are you?" Cheryl asked with a grin.

"I'm alright. Got a bit lost in thought before I came in," I responded as I shifted in my seat, facing my mentor.

"Okay." Her voice was barely a whisper, but quite soft. I knew she had a hard time deciding if I was worth the stress. "First of all..."

I nodded. At first she was calm and sunny but her face suddenly turned into pitiful.

"I think you are," she continued. "Adorable. Your audition went really well."

I smiled. Please, heart, stop racing. You're freaking me out.

"You're vocally fantastic. We absolutely loved it," Cheryl said. "The only thing I would have to say is that I don't know if you connect enough with the audience."

It's true. I'm confident enough to sing in front of a camera, but an audience to thousands really terrified me, but I managed to face it.

"You were a unique act back when you auditioned. You gave everyone a good impression and your style was original and I knew right away, you had the features to be a popstar," she informed.

"Thank you," I slightly whispered. I couldn't speak properly, I was so nervous I forgot that I could talk.

"Deciding which four acts I can take for the live shows, you were a tough one to decided if I should take you or not," Cheryl sighed. Please, just tell me my results, I can't bear with the sweating and rapid heartbeats.

There was a long, dead silence. I could hear her breathing and heartbeat. Her face was still pitiful, and I knew right away, I was ready to go home.

"I'm so sorry, Christina."

My heart dropped. I looked at my knees, hiding my teary eyes away from her. I guess my journey ends here.

"It's okay, I knew I was going-" I started, but Cheryl immediately spoke.

"You're gonna have to face thousands of people again in the live shows," she smiled.

I looked at her in shock; tears rolled down from my eyes with a priceless reaction.

"You're joking right?" I stuttered.

"No, I never joke. I'm taking you through to be in my final four!" she grinned. "I just didn't have the heart to let you leave the competition, you're a special kiddo, remember that."

"Thank you, Cheryl, so much. For giving me another chance, I won't let you down," I cried, giving my new friend a tight hug. "I won't let you down, I promise."

She released me and gave me another grin, "Now, go on and tell Dermot outside. He'll be delighted to hear the news."

"Thanks again, Cheryl," I said before skipping towards the door.

Cheryl was right. Dermot was waiting for me. I gave him a tight hug. From the ridiculous grin in my face, he knew I was chosen.

After realising myself from him, I squealed like a little girl, similar from the moment Dad and I weredriving from the airport a month ago, "I got through!"

"I told you you would, what did I tell ya?" Dermot grinned. "We'll be eager to see you again on the live shows."

"Thank you, Dermot. For supporting me," I smiled once more.

"Don't worry about it, tell your friend, Eloise, that I'm sorry I she didn't get chosen back in bootcamp," he said.

"I will," I said, grinning ear to ear.


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