A Pot of Cardboard

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An innocent green shoot pokes up through the dirt, drinking in the sunlight. They walk past the flower pot, double taking when they spot the little fleck of green in the mound of dry brown soil.

"A plant has finally grown in my pot"

They reach out for the plant, stroking its delicate stem.

"How precious you are to me, I have not seen green in quite a time"

They pinch the plant, pulling it out from the dirt, it's roots dangling in the air.

"I would hate to be the reason you wither away, precious green, do not fear, I will put you somewhere where you will grow big and healthy"

They put the plant in a box and tape it tightly shut, then carrying the box to their closet.

"See, little green? Now I can not touch you"

They put the box in the closet, stacking it at the top of the brown cardboard pile.

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