I just stared at the man standing in front of me. He was a judge on American Idol, owner of both X Factor UK and US, owner of the record label SYCO and the founder of One Direction!
It took me a few moments to realise I was supposed to say hello to the person who would soon eb my boss. So I snapped back into reality and held my hand out for him to shake. " H-hello Mr. Cowell I am Ashley Davison" I said stuttering a bit. " Please call me Simon." he responded shaking my hand. The smile he had on his face told me I could trust him. "Thank you Simon" I said likeing that he is going rto let me use his first name it makes me feel more comfortable with him. He walked up to me and said " Why don't we talk alone?" "Sure." I said as I turned for the door. As I turned i realised the door was right behind me and I would have ran straight into it had it not been for Simon's hands on my shoulders stopping me. I felt like an idiot because I am a dancer and I'm as uncoordinated as a baby cow.
Simon just chuckled as he reached around me and opened the door. I followed him out and led him to the nearest confrence room so we could talk. "Well as you've heard I wanted to buy you from Jerry because I want to give you a chance to have the fame you deserve. But I can also understand if you don't want to leave Jerry so I am giving you the decision to work with me or not... I don't want to force you... I know change can be difficult.."
I just stared at him shocked by what I was hearing. He wants me to work for him but... he's giving me the choice just in case I don't want to work with him. "Thank you." was all I could mumble as a coherent respose to what was being said to me. "I'm not trying to bribe you or anything because I don't even know if you are a fann but the people I want you to work with is..." He paused pretending to think about who he wanted me to work with even though it seemed to me he already knew. A big smile appeared on his face as if I was missing some kind of inside joke.
"Who" I asked after the wait became unbearable.
He chuckled as he responded with "One Direction" my jaw dropped as I waas speechless at the fact he wanted me to work with his (probably) most prixed band. And then it hit me... I'm not very famous how did he find me? As if he was able to read my mind he said "The boys were online looking at random people singing when you came up and they watched one and they thought they needed a girl's harmony and they thought you were perfect." "Why all of a sudden after almost three years as a band do they think that they need a girls harmony." I asked confused by what I was hearing.
Because they felt they were missing something in some of their songs and when they went online to find some insiration they found you and while Liam was in the bathroom the other boys listened to you...When he came back the other boys were singing alongside you and he figured out that that is what they needed was you to sing with them." He said clearly impressed with the boys.
"Oh" I said flattered that One Direction thought I could sing. "Sooo is that a yes?" He asked sounding a bit hopeful. He probably didn't want to let the boys down. I just sat there egging on the decision makeing a bit to make him anxious even though I already knew what my answer would be. "Well?" He asked after i didn't respond for a while. I slowly smiled as he did exactly what I wanted him to... "Yes." I said enthusiatically.
**A few hours later***
Simon and I just sat there talking about everything from what I would be doing to the boys ,etc. Next thing we knew Jerry was Poking his head in saying he was headed home. Soon after i explained to Simon that i have to go due to the long trip and asked him when and where we would start.
"How about monday at SYCO in London? That okay with you?" "Perfect thank you Simon." I replied as i turned toward the door to leave. As I got to the door he called after me and sais "By the way love the boys like to call me Uncle Si or Uncle Simon so if you want you can call me that too." He said as he chuckled. I laughed and said " Thank You Uncle Si. See you monday." as I was walking out the door.

New Beginning (One Direction)
FanfictionAshley Davison wasn't very famous and was working for a man who was going out of business that is until she met... Simon Cowell. sorry the summarys kind of sucky.