A New Life

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Ch 4 coming soo sorry these have been so short they will get longer I pormise. :)

The drive home was long and tedious I don't like driving this far for work. Thank God I won't have to do that anymore.

When I got home it was almost midnight so it was no suprise that I found my sister alseep on the couch with the tv still on and a bowl of half eaten popcorn by her head. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself that this was the reason our electricity bill was so high and the popcorn was the reason we didnt have food in the house. I turned off the tv and took the popcorn to the kitchen and put it in a bag so we could eat it later. I was thinking about waking Cristol and telling her about Simon and me moving to London but I knew she would just yell at me for waking her. At the current moment I also didn't know how I was going to break it to her that she would either have to go back in with mom annd dad or find a job to live here. I was also thinking about whch she would find worse. The last thought I had before I fell into a deep trouble was how monday was going to go.

*** DREAM***

I was about to go on stage when I hear my mother yelling from behind me practically dareing me to go on stage. " If you go out there I will kick you out!" She yelled at me "I'm leaving anyway!" I yelled back. " You'll come back within the next couple of months this isn't a real career!" Was another thing said. "Whatever." I muttered as I was walking on stage. I could have sworn i heard her say something like... "If you go out there I won't be there when you get back." I just shook it off and walked out on stage with a big smile plastered on my face. I wasn't really famous yet but there were alot of people here suprisingly.

"Hey what's up everyone Dallas is a great place to make a start!" I sang and danced all of my songs perfecctly and as rehersed. When I came off stage a smile still on my face I looked around for my mom to tell her how much I enjoyed that. But she was no where to be found it turns out i had heard her correctly. " Mom. Mom? MOM?!"  I screamed falling to my knees crying. The one person I would tell everything and the one person of anyone I wanted to support me and she left...

*** END DREAM***

I woke up with a start... I rolled over and looked at my clock it read 9:30 am. I rolled over and tried going back to sleep but my mind started going over all that i was told yesterday. I eventually became too excited to sleep so i got up and went into the kitchen to fetch some juice and make some pancakes. I also couldn't help but notice Cristol was awake which is weird because she wasn't up before noon most days. I was about to open the fridge when I noticed a note on the notepad alot longer than the one i left her yesterday. It read...


Two things, I have decided to move make to Texas with mom and dad for a while then live on my own and maybe get a job. Good Luck in London I'll send mom and dad your love.


P.S I haven't left yet I am at the Mall with a mate ill see you later that's the other thing.

P.P.S I borroewed some money from your purse

I realized I wasn't even mad about her taking money from my purse... The part my mind kept replaying was that she was leaving and the part about mom and dad where the hell did that come from? i haven't talked to mom and dad since that night in Dallas. Another thing how did she know about London I hadn't even told her yet...

I spent the whole day packing and thinking about the note, I was about half way through when I heard the doorbell ring. Huh thats weird who could that be? I asked myself as I headed for the door. I opened it to find my boyfriend of about a year (Kayden) standing in the doorway with a package in his hand. "Hey babe." He said as he wiggled his way into the house giving me a kiss on the way through.

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