First Day

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Our flight ended up being delayed 2 hours so by the time we got to London it was nearly 3:30pm and I haf a meeting with Simon in about an hour and a half. I had no idea where SYCO was so it might take me a while to find it. Simon had given me the address on yet another letter he had sent me before we left. He also gave me the address to where we would be staying. I really wanted to freshen up before I went to meet Simon but I  didn't think I had time. We found a cab outside the airport and took it to the house were we would be staying.

The house was HUGE too big for just two people to staying. But I wasn't complaining plus I might get to meet One Direction in an hour. I told the cabby to sit outside and wait because I was going to take it to SYCO so I don't have to take any longer than necessary.  When I walked in the house I found that everything was already set up. I went to the bathroom, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth and put a bit of make up on. As I walked out I shouted a quick goodbye to Kayden who had went in search of the kitchen. I got into the cab and told the cabby the address for SYCO and then we were on our way. When we got there I was greeted by Simon himself at the door.

"Welcome Ashley how was your trip?" He asked a bright smile on his face. "Long." I replied returning his smile. "My flight was delayed though so that's why I don't look very presentable i had no time to freshen up." "You look beautiful." He said rolling his eyes at me and turned to head into the building. I followed him through the building as he gave me a tour. I tried to remember where everything was but it was difficult because the building was so big. Sooo much bigger than Jerry's company. He also told me there were very few places I would actually go in the building. We ended up in his office with me about to sign his contract when I hear 4 voices from down the hall yea; "UNCLE SI!!!" in British voice that I swear could melt chocolate. Just then 4 boys burst through his office doors sweaty and out of breath.

"Hey boys." Simon said smiling a little I turned around to see 4 of the 5 members of One Direction standing directly behind me. I got up and as calm as I could said "Hi I'm Ashley Davison." I held out my hand for the boys to shake and it was Harry who stepped up first and took my hand but rather than shaking it he pulld on it and pulled me in for a hug. Boy this kid smells good I thought to myself as he let me go. One by one all four boys gave me a hug. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the door open and the member who had been missing walked in munching on a carrot. Rather than saying hi to Louis I yelled "CARROT!!!!" as it was my favorite food of all time. All the boys laughed including Louis who followed the comment with "Hi Love, I'm Louis and i take it you like Carrots as well."" Hi I''m Ashley and yes I do." I said with a small smile. As I said my name again I saw recognition dawn on all 5 of the boys as they remembered who I was. "Simon you got her." He said as he held out his hand. instead of shaking it like I originally thought he did like the other boys and pulled me in for the best hug ever." I think you and I are going to get along great" he whispered in my ear before letting me go. When I turned back to Simon he had a frown on his face "There is two things i forgot to tell you." He said still frowning I looked at the other boys who gave me a shrug before I responded "what's that?" I asked now frowning to when all of a sudden a big smile broke out and he said "Two things 1. They are huggers and 2. the house you were taken to for you to live in the boys also live there." I relaxed as i smiled back and said "Great I'm living with 6 boys now." "Haha well that's your fault for bringing your boyfriend and I don't know about Kayden but the boys aren't that bad to live with." He said laughing I smiled warmly back and said "Kayden can be a messy bugger sometimes." "Lets sign this contract then shall we so you can officially work for SYCO." "Gladly" was all i said as a response as I scribbled my name across the dotted line with the "X" by it. I was now officially a member of One Direction.

After that the boys took me to the nearest mall so we could get to know eachother a bit more before i bring the home to meet Kayden. We were sitting eating dinner while the boys asked me questions. Some got a bit embarassing and I turn red as a tomato everytime."What's your favorite color?" Was Niall's first question. "Red." Louis and Zayn beemed that they had another person who liked red. Me and Louis discovered we had alot in common and we were going to be and already were best friends. "Whats your favorite movie?" Harry was next to jump in. "Titanic has a lot of historical value as well as a good love story." "Yay mine too!!!" he said and then he realised what he had just said and tried to cover it up with "I... mean... that movie is stupid I like Fight Club." I rolled my eyes and laughed at his slip up. "Whats your favorite band?" Zayn asked seeming a bit hopeful. "You guys and the Fray." I responded honestly. "WOOHOO!!" They shouted earning a few weird looks at their diguised faces. "Favorite food?" Niall asked around a mouthful of his Chinese food. Carrots but I do tend to eat a lot of food I can out eat alot of people." Niall looked up excitedly as I just realised what I had said. "That's a challenge Missy" He said a bright smile on his lips. I returned his smile almost instantly. "Challenge accepted." was all I had to say. And all the boys started laughing at us.

We all walked out of the mall together. "You want to ride together?" Louis asked as he interlocked our arms. "Sure."  I said as I smiled back at him and called for a cab. "Me and the boys can ba a bit crazy while at the house." Louis warned me with a sly smile. " You should see me and my boyfriend when we are alone." "I don't want to know about your's and your boyfriends sexy time." He said blushing a little. I laughed blushing at him "I wasn't talking about our... Did you just say sexy time?" I asked chuckling. "Yes I did and I'm proud of it! It seemed like the right thing to say at the time." He said blushing again. "Well I wasn't talking about our sexy time. I was talking about the trouble we can get ourselves into." I laughed as I remembered a few of those times. "Oh haha you are going to fit in perfectly at our house." He said with a mischievous grin.

When we got to the house I yelled out looking for Kayden but there was no need as soon as he heard the door open he walked into the big living room from the kitchen with a frown on his face. "What's wrong babe?" I asked worried he didn't like the house.  "There's no food in the kitchen." He said with a straight face willing me to believe he isn't lying. "What?!?!" Both me and Niall said at the same time running for the kitchen. When we got there and opened a few cupboards we found it was fully stocked and Kayden had been lying to us. It was actuallt stocked better than my kitchen back home before my sister got hold of it. We turned to find the boys rolling on the floor laughing."That's not funny boys you know how I feel about food!!" Niall shouted at them sounding annoyed. "Well whatever I'm dead beat I'll see ya'll in the morning." "NIGHT ASH!!!" They all shouted as they all ran to give me a hug.

I woke up in the middle of the night to my door being opened. I saw Niall poke his head in the door. "What's up Nialler?" I asked wondering why he was up wandering so early in the morning. "I had a bad dream. Kayden fell asleep on the couch downstairs and the boys said they didn't want me to interrupt their sleep anymore 'cause they don't like it when I disturb them." He said looking sad and embarrassed. "It's alright Nialler hop on in." I said chuckling that he could get so scared of a nightmare that he had to sleep with someone to make him feel better. These boys are soo cute... in their own weird little ways. Was the last thought I had before Niall climbed into bed and I fell back asleep.

I was awoken with a start when all of a sudden I hear Kayden yell. "What the Hell?!" I realized I had arms wrapped around me and my head was on a chest. I also soon realized that Kayden's voice came from the doorway and not from the man above me. It took me a few seconds to remember that Niall had gotten scared because of a dream and didn't want to wake the boys up. I looked up to see that Niall was now very awake. I jumped up and I looked at Kayden. "Baby he had a bad dream and noticed you had fallen asleep on the couch and needed someone to help him getting over his bad dream. You have to remember these boys are childlike in their own glorious ways. Niall's just happens to be the dream aspect." "I don't give a fuck he shouldn't have been in here anyway." Even though his face gave away that he believed me he still didn't like the fact that Niall was in our room. I looked behind Kayden to also find the other 4 boys standing behind him groggily wondering what all the fuss was about. "Have a bad dream Nialler?" Liam asked chucking as he seemed to be the most awake one right now he must have been up for a while. I noticed Kayden seemed to have physically relaxed to find out he had also done it to the other boys, even though he still didn't look happy.


I'm so sorry for not posting I have had so much school work to do it's crazy =)... I'm hoping to post sooner from now on but if I don't I greatly apologize...

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