Part 11

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Ella: maybe stay here and let him be with all of them

Hermione: Yeah good idea

Ella: Well I need to find the Avengers

Hermione: Yeah ok

*Ella walks up to the avengers who are just talking to each other *

Ella: well the Battle of Hogwarts ended May 2nd, 1998.

Steve: Well done, you can finally live a happy life with no stress 

All of the Avengers: Yeah well done

Ella: Thank you all of you I don't think we could've done it without you all

*After a while Ron, Hermione and Harry come up to the Avengers*

Ella: How about we go for a walk

Everyone: Yeah ok

*Everyone follows Ella out to the bridge connecting Hogwarts and hogsmede *

Ella: So, Harry that wand belongs to us

Harry: Yeah

Ron: But I thought it belonged to Snape and because Voldemort killed Snape it belonged to him

Ella: But the wand never belonged to Snape, Draco disarmed Dumbledore that night. When Harry and I disarmed Draco, it became ours.

Wanda: What are you gonna do with it

*Harry and Ella look at each other and Harry snaps the wand and throws it off the bridge. Harry and Ella look at each other and laugh*

Ella: Now, all our troubles are gone

Ella: Well while we are all here I need to tell you guys something, now I haven't told Draco yet I wanted to tell you guys first.

Everyone: what is it

Ella: I'm pregnant

*Everyone congratulates you and hugs you *

Ella: Well I need to tell Draco so goodbye

Everyone: Good luck 

*Right as Ella turns around Draco is on one knee with a sliver band ring with an Emerald green stone *

*P. S, Draco didn't hear that Ella is pregnant *

Draco: Ella Potter when we got together I knew that I would spend the rest of my life with you and thinking of that every day made me smile. Ella Potter will you marry me.

Ella: Yes, Draco I will *While starting to cry *

*Draco and Ella kiss then Draco puts the ring on Ella's finger *

Ella: Oh, and I have a surprise for you now.

Draco: What is it

Ella: I'm pregnant

Draco: Omg, this is the best day of my life. *Draco kisses Ella then kisses Ella's stomach *

*Everyone congratulates you and Draco *

- Skip 2 months later at Draco's and Ella's wedding –

*People at your wedding Avengers, Harry, Hermione, Ron, the Weaslys, Luna, Neville and Draco's family

wedding officiant: Please now present your vows

Draco: Ella, when I first saw you I knew that I would love you till the day I die, and I still stand for that. I can't wait for our baby to come and that will be the start of our family. I promise unconditional love to you and our baby.

Ella: Draco, you were there in the hardest times and the easiest. You are the easiest to talk to and I know you will always be there. I will love you to the day I die and even thinking of that makes me smile. I can't wait for our family to grow.

*Draco puts Ella's ring on and Ella puts Draco's ring on *

wedding officiant: You now may kiss the bride

*Draco and Ella kiss *

*Fast forward 7 months, Ella and Draco have come back from their honeymoon, they have brought a house, and Ella is just given birth to a baby boy and girl *

Draco: They are beautiful, what are we thinking of naming them

Ella: For the girl I was thinking, Luna Minerva Malfoy, and for the boy

Ella: Fred James Malfoy

Draco: there both beautiful names

*Harry, Hermione and Ron come into the hospital room and are shocked to see twins*

Harry: So.... What are my niece and nephew's name

Draco: For the boy, it is Fred James Malfoy

Ella: and for the girl we were thinking Luna Minerva Malfoy

Hermione: they're both beautiful names

Ella: thanks Hermione

Draco: Do you guys want to hold them

Hermione, Ron and harry: Sure

*Ella gives Hermione Luna, and Draco gives Harry Fred, once Harry holds Fred for 5 minutes he gives Fred to Ron *

Ron: There both really cute guys

Draco and Ella: Thanks

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