Part 1

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5*The Avengers fighting*

Sapphire: comes in fighting all the bad guys*

Steve: *Gets knocked down*

Sapphire: *Runs over to Steve and heals him using her wand*

Steve: thanks kid but you better get out of here

Sapphire: No, I need to talk to the Avengers get them grouped up to us then I will make a protection spell. HURRY!

Steve: don't you see that we are fighting

Sapphire: Yes, but do it NOW

Steve: Fine... *In his earpiece*Avengers come to me someone needs to talk.

           Everyone: Copy

Sapphire: *Does a spell to Protect everyone*
Thanks everyone for coming I need to ask a question... if I defeat Thanos will you help defeat my villain in my world.

Tony: what another world is there?

Thor: Other question who is your Villain?

Sapphire: The wizarding world and his name is Lord Voldemort and he is way worse than this weird guy.

Tony: really

Sapphire: yes, so if I kill him will you help us kill Voldemort

Everyone: Fine

Sapphire: Okay

Sapphire: *goes over to Thanos with a wand in hand * Ok we can do this the easy way or the hard way?

Thanos: well let's do the hard way * starts to fight *

Sapphire: ok well Avada Kedavra

Thanos: * Dies *

Sapphire: well that was easy

Everyone: Who are you?

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