part 14

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I am in hate, So far so good

A/N pov

" That shit was painful as fuck " " fuck is pleasure not painful " " no one ask a cup of ur thoughts " " just telling u " " JIN-SHII~ JIMIN IS SAYING THAT FUCK OS PLEASURE NOT PAIN WHAT DOES THAT MEAN "

A panting jin with pan and slipper came and smack jimin head with his slipper " what are you teaching your little one huh " he twitch his ear

" A..aniyo hyung sorry sorry leave my ear pls " he cry in pain as his ear turn into red " i tol....AHH LEAVE MY EAR " y/n cry in yelp as he twist her ear too

" Young Lady i am your elder and what did you called me JINSHI . WHAT is JINSHI ?Where is manners ? Where is oppa ?

" Sorry sorry oppa please leave my ear " she beg him and he let go her ear as well as jimin's they both rub there ears with a huge pout .

" And your mom is coming y/n maybe in 20 minutes " as he inform her a smile crack on her face " Okie byie oppa " with that she swing left from there and reach her house

She sat on couch and tap her feet on floor being all impatient to hug her mother again .

1 hour later

It's been 1 hour and still she didn't came, she went to Kim Mansion thinking elder one scam her , it barely took time to.reach there . No one stop her as she emter

She bang open the main door and made her way to living area but the scene infront of her broke her heart in piece, her eyes became watery as her lips tremble

The amount of adernaline run in her body shake her hands . Her mom was there sitting between Hoseok and Jungkook both are snuggling together in each other while watching movie .

As soon the trio notice her , they stand up others also came down hearing a loud bang . While , she just loik at them with Hate , Anger , Betrayl and Unpleasant look

" I am sorry sweety, i forgot the track of time . I was about to come to house  " she said with a apologetic face and came to hug her . As she was about to wrap her arms around her she slap her hands away and scoff

" Forgot , House huh . You forgot your daughter, you thought that coming here first was the best huh and house , if that shit is house THEN WHERE IS HOME YOU NARROW MINDED FREAK "

Little buy little her anger took over her everyone in room stiff on there places " Doll she was tired so i insis.. " " Tsk You stay out of this Mr Kim " " I am sorry honey "


" Y/N think calmly you might regret your words later " yoongi try to stop her " Huh regret the only regret i have is not to kill you 8 before " she said witha straight face and bloodshot eyes

" WATCH YOUR WORDS Y/N " " AND YOU WATCH WHOM YOU ARE TALKING TO" she roar on her mother and went to her " I will show you 9 a living hell , just watch me "

" STOP MAKING A SMALL.THING A BIG ISSUE just cause i spend time with them " " For them you ditch me everytime , just wait for that time when you will beg me on your knees "

" You have gone insane , this will never happen " y/n smirk darkly and turn her way to exist  " don't forget to send me your hoe becoming a whore certificate "

She left all of them speechless as she call her mom a hoe or even worse, she called the woman whom she was obsessed with a whore

" Don't overreact y/n, she was tired so she stayed " Jimin butt in . She loik at him and tilt her head and smile creepily " Wasn't this you wanted hm " As she took her steps to him he step back

" A mother that's what you were carving for " she kept taking her steps to him until his back touch couch side part " cause you never got yours " as she poke his left part of chest

" You carved for mother love " she lean infront of him " And you plan to snatch someone else belonging for that " his legs gave up and sat on side handel of couch

" You STOLE it Kim " She step back as she look at others with eyes filled with hate and betrayal " even though i never liked any of you i still tried but all you did was back stabbing " a chuckle left from her mouth

" You made me feel worthless now you all waiat for the time when i will make you all BEG, each one of you " she look at her mother who was looking at her with hurt face

" Don't worry i will come in your Destruction Ceremony " with that she left, left for good . " Jongmin " her mom whisper, he look at her and hug her tightly

" Don't worry she is just hurt and said that out of anger, she is a teenager after all " he was trying to comfort her but it was more than that, he was trying to comfort himself with his words

Kim brothers were left speechless while jimin was shaken, it wasn't a lie when she said he wants to snatch someone else mother nor when she said that he carved for mother love was a lie

" H..hyung I..i wa..was j..just- " his breath hitch as he was left speechless his mind kept forcing him to think what he had done to her

" We know Chim, We know " Jin hug his little one tightly as he try to bring him some comfort " She is left with nothing now " They heard a whisper in sorrow silence

They all look at the source of voice , it was Jungkook . He look up with a fierce expression " She is alone , lonely than before " he snap on everyone one present there


EVEN THOUGH SHE DON'T EXPRESS IT DOESN'T MEAN SHE DIDN'T FEEL THE PAIN EACH ONE OF YOU and especially you " he point at her mother as he breath heavily

" You are a filthy Dog of this realm, who was gifted by a lovely human BUT YOU JUST DECIDE TO IGNORE HER SINCE YOU CARVED FOR FUCKING SONS FOR SO LONG "

Mr Kim wanted to stop his youngest soon but he knkw that he need to let it out . He is a pure soul with open mind, he observe and then speak

" I...I am S..sorry " she whisper " A SORRY CANNOT FIX BROKEN THINGS, SO HAVE IT AND SUIT YOURSELF " " I am in Hate so far so good "

To Be Continued


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