𝐶𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒 𝐽𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑦

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Y/N Pov:

'saiki' i thought expecting saiki to respond which he eventually did

'yea?' Saiki replied back in telepathy

'wanna come over later?' I replied in my thoughts

'no' Saiki replied furrowing his brows

'i have coffee jellies' i said knowing its saiki's favorite thing

'fine' saiki replied sighing in defeat

Timeskip To Later:
Saiki K Pov:

Y/n wanted me to come over
i only said yes cuz there is coffee jelly
but y/n got called by the teacher im now waiting for her

"Saiki~!" Teruhashi said clinging onto me ew

'he's probably surpised thats why he isn't responding,ofcourse who wouldn't be happy to be touched by me' teruhashi thought

'not really' i thought

'oh no..its miss glow stick and...?PINKY!?' I heard someones thoughts

'y/n' me and teruhashi thought in unison

"a-ah y/n!" Teruhashi said nervously

"hey teruhashi..can i have my boyfriend now?" Y/n said which made teruhashi let go of me

'finally' i thought

"sorry i took to long kusuo" y/n said taking my hand and intertwined it with hers

"we have to go now i'll see you tomorrow teruhashi" y/n said giving a small smile

"y-yea see you y/n bye saiki!" Teruhashi said waving at us

"you better be happy i saved you saiki" y/n said "whats wrong with teruhashi anyway?" Y/n questioned

"she's not my type" i said "𝑝𝑓𝑓𝑡~teruhashi is everyones type" y/n said as she chuckled "not mine" i said giving her a side glance

"uh-huh when she gives up on you we're breaking up right?" Y/n said as i completely forgot this was a fake relationship

i nod as a response "ok..your still coming over right?" Y/n asked i nod again

timeskip to y/n's house:
saiki k pov still:

'Mom please don't be home' y/n repeated in her mind as she opened her house door

"phew" y/n said "come in saiki " y/n said inviting me in as i went in with no problem

y/n went to the fridge and took coffee jellies

"here you go saiki" y/n said handing me a coffee jelly "thanks" i said as i took the coffee jelly and ate some

"mhm" y/n responded
we sat there in comfortable silence until the door suddenly opened

y/n pov:

"mom!?" i said as she was standing there awkwardly

"honey you didn't tell me your boyfriend was coming over" my mom said as she makes her way to saiki

'help' saiki said telephaticly 'no' i replied as my mom was giving saiki a hug

"mom he can't breath" i said

"oh sorry!" my mom said letting saiki go

"hehe im just so happy!" My mom said

"i know i know" i replied

'i need to go' saiki said telephaticly

"mom saiki needs to go now" i said knowing either saiki needs to or wants to leave

"oh ok!its nice meeting you saiki" my mom said smilling happily

"it was nice to meet you too mrs.l/n" saiki said giving a small smile

"awhe just call me m/n" my mom said

"if you insist m/n" saiki said walking out of the house

"bye saiki" i said waving at him

'bye' saiki said telephaticly as he closed the door behind him

'welp there goes getting to know him' i thought in dissapointment

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now