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The cold winds seep through under my skin as the heavy pouring of rain slowly turned into droplets of water. I looked up, facing the gray and gloomy sky.

I am bathe with the cold breeze, soaked clothes and with the unknown pain that I am feeling. Closing my eyes gently, I felt the sorrow embracing my being and forlorn hunting my soul.

“Mon!” a voice called but I remained unbothered standing in the midst of the rain.

And then suddenly, the light weight of rain became heavy again. I heard the loud banging of thunder on the doors of the sky along with the furious escape of the lightning volts.

My ears plundered by the angry roar and my eyes witness the vengeance of lights.

“Mon!” the voice called again and in the corner of my eyes I saw a truck was nearing me. Before I could move or even react, the darkness wrapped my body as the defying silence conquered.

I saw red, red blood flow with the waters and then I knew it was mine. My breath ragged, I struggled to breath the air.

The loud beating of my heart was all that I could hear.

I glanced at the raging fight of two frightening rivals in the sky and whispered silently to the now wild winds.


I said before putting a small smile on my face while closing my eyes. Embrace me, death. Carry me to a place where no one can ever find me again…

Mon woke up with his head throbbing with pain. It was raining hard outside as a typhoon was dominating the country.
He didn’t understood why but every time it rains that dream always hunts him.

Was he dreaming his death or so he thought that maybe he witnessed a tragedy of a man that died in a car accident a long time ago.

Shaking his head, he dismissed that thought and get up to his feet to visit the house kitchen. Straight to where the refrigerator he went, gently opening the fridge’s door to look for milk but to his dismay there was no milk inside the fridge.

Annoyingly he closed the fridge’s door. Who drink my milk?
He asked himself. It could be either two of his younger siblings.

His rainy days isn’t complete without drinking a cup of milk, or so to correct, His rainy days isn’t complete without drinking boxes of milk. Forced by this dilemma, he ran back to his room to get some of his savings (for milk), immediately grabbed the umbrella and went out to buy a box of milk.

And because it was raining hard outside and the nearest convenience store is just a few blocks away from their house, he decided to just walk despite the splashes of water dissolving to his clothes. By the moment I’d get there, I’ll be soaking and that the guard will not let me enter. He thought. But to his fortune, he didn’t get too wet and that the guards didn’t shove him off.

Mon bought three boxes of milk and a pack of his favorite biscuit, surely that was enough for only this day.

He went out of the store and there he saw that it was still raining very hardly.

He eyed where he had left his umbrella and there flash a panic in his eyes, his temporary shelter from the rain has vanished.

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