Chapter 9

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D's POV: I was hanging out in JC's room.

JC: So, I gotta tell yah somethin'

D: Yeah?

JC: I have a girlfriend...

D: Is it that Lia girl?

JC: How'd you know?

D: Well, as soon as I moved in I stalked all of you online and there is this ”Jia” trend and there was tons of pictures of you, so, idk just assumed...

JC: Oh well, Lia is coming over and so I thought I'd let you know...

D: Okay....shoot! I gotta get ready for....something

JC: What's something?

D: Con and I are going to the park...

JC: Ooo! Do you like him?


JC: You guys are cute together!

D: Sssh! Thanks, and I gotta go.

I went to my room and got ready for my date, thing. I curled my hair and put on concealer, powder, eyeliner,mascara, and red lipstick. I went to my closet and picked out ( PICTURE ABOVE ). Then I went outside and knocked on Connor's door...

C: Come in....

I walked in and saw Connor putting on a shoe...

D: Hey, just wanted to let you know i was ready...

C: Yeah, me too.

He said standing up.

D: Okay, shall we??

C: We shall.

At the park...

We got to the park and I immedietly saw 2 empty swings.

D: We have to get the swings!

I grabbed his hand and darted towards the swings. We sat down and started to swing, after,awhile we were at the same pace...

D: This is nice....

C: Your beautiful....

D: What?

C: Your beautiful.

D: Thank you.

C: Haha. Thanks....

After a while of swinging I got a text...

From JC: Hey! Lia is almost here, come home?

To JC: Do I have to? Connor just called me BEAUTIFUL. I don't wanna say I have to go...

From JC: Please?!?!?!?!

To JC: Ugh...Okay...Be there in 20!

From JC: K!

I put my phone up...

D: Hey I gotta get home. JC wants me to meet some Lia chick...

C: Oh his girlfriend? Okay. Well I just wanna tell you... You are the nicest person I've ever met.

D: Really? That's sad....

C: Really? Cause you are amazing. I find your distaste for yourself offensive.

D: Haha. Well thank you.

We got in the car and drove home...

At home...

I walked through the door holding Connor's hand.

D: Home!

JC came down the stairs with a blonde girl that I'm guessing is Lia.

JC: D, this is Lia.

D: Hi.

L: Hi, I'm Lia...obviously...

D: Ha. Nice to meet you Lia.

Do you ever get a strange feeling from someone? Like, they didn't do just get a weird feeling from them? That's what I get from Lia. She seemed so nice but, it seemed like she was hiding something?  I'm probably just crazy...

L: Oh I gotta go! But it was nice to meet you D. See yah later Justin...

She leaned down and gave JC a kiss...

JC: Bye LiaPad.

L: By JCloud!

Hmph...JCloud. Is JC a rapper now? I don't know why,but I don't like this girl....

Lia's POV: I got in my car and drove to Kyle's house. Who's Kyle? You must be knew...Kyle is my boyfriend. Yes, JC is too. You see...JC's package is AMAZEBALLS, Pun intended. I am only using JC for sex because Kyle's is like 2 centimeters. Whatever, JC isn't even that cute right? Kyle is a hottie! This way I get the pleasure and the eye candy...

Hey guys! Wow! Lia is a bitch! But there is definitely more to come for this book! So stay tuned this book has only just began. Byeeee!

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