Chapter 15

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D's POV:

D: No.

Connor looked down at his feet and then back up with his head slightly bowed

C: No?.......Why?

D: Well, not yet.

Connor looked up like a puppy as if i had a treat.

D: We've known eachother for what? A month. Before you met me you would have passed by me on the streets without even seeing me...

C: That's not true.

D: Yes it is. Ever been on the corner of Caliss. and Jenninton?

C: Yeah...

D: Been there in the past 3 years?

C: Yeah...

D: Then you have. And I don't blame you or anything. But I don't even know your family. I don't know about your life. I wanna know my boyfriend Connor.

C: Okay...By the way, LaCresant.

D: What?

C: LaCrestant, Minnisota, is where I'm from.

D: aha, okay. I'm from a small town north of here called Agoura Hills.

After that we just started stating random facts about was great.

Connor drove home and we both walked inside holding hands...

R: OOOO! Who's got a boyfriend!!!

D: You?

R: Don't try and fool me! Connor asked my premission to ask you out I know everything!

D: I said no.

R: haha!

C: Ricky she's serious. She wants to get to know me better and I think that's a great idea.

R: Really? Okay. Well its like 11:30 and so you need to get to bed D.

D: Since when do I go to bed at 11:30?

R: Since now

D: okay...rawr. Night Ricky! Night Connor!

I said while walking up the stairs. I got ready for bed then went to sleep!

Hey there!! Plot twist! She said no! Sorry if I upset you but They've literally known eachother a month so...anyway...bye!

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