Chapter 31

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I left auditions and decided to call somebody. I needed a friend. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through the contacts. I clicked a contact and the phone started to ring

A: Hello?

D: Amber? Its D.

A: Hey D! What's up?

D: Do you wanna go get food then pack up my stuff?

A: Why are you packing?

D: .... I'm moving out.


Me and Amber got cinnabons and starbucks and then we went back to my house. "Rickle!!" i shout. He ran down stairs and i looked at him, "I need to talk to you. Well, actually everyone. "EVERYONE ElSE!!!" I yelled. Everyone but Connor ran down. We all sat on the couch, and me and Amber were infront of everyone else. "guys?" I said. "Whats going on, D? Your scaring me." Kian said. "Yeah whats up?" Jc added. "I'm moving out." I said. there was a silence in the room. "Why?" Ricky said. "you guys will still be my family. We just won't all live together." I said reasurringly. "But why are you moving?" trevor asked. "Is it Connor" Sam asked, "Sam!" I said. "What about sam?" Ricky asked. "Nothing." i replied. "Connor is jelous of Mikey and they got in a huge fight about it." trevor said. "what?!" Kian asked. "gUYS!!" I shouted. Everything went silent. "I'm moving because i need a place of my own." I said." Ha! For what?" Sam asked snarkily. "For living!" I said. "I was hoping you guys would at least be a little supportive..." I said. I went up to my room. Amber following close behind. She shut my door and i started putting clothes into boxes and putting blankets in bags. In a few hours it was dinner and i was online scrolling the interweb for apartments while eating chicken and salad. "SunnyVille Apartment Complex." I read. I clicked the link and saw all kinds of tabs "Apartments" "Help" "Info" "Contact" Etc. I clicked on apartments and it had me fill in a survey about what id need in a apartment. How many people would live there, what income i was making. that stuff. Most people don't know but i have a job at a daycare called "Kool Kidz Daycare" I make enough to live off of the job. I looked at the apartment and it was nice. It had a living room, kitchen, and 1 bedroom. No laundry room but there was a laundry mat not to far from there. there was a small bathroom and 2 closets. the apartments rent was 1,300 dollars month but it gave you the option to pay by week which was 350. "Ricky!" I shouted. the last few hours the guys had been more open to me moving out. "Yeah? he said coming from the couch. "What do you think?" I asked. I pushed the screen towards him and started eating my chicken. "Well, its in a good area of town. Price is reasonable. the space is good. I like it. " he said. "Should I go for it?" I asked. "If that is the one you want. you make good money at Krazy Kids?" He said concerned. "Yes. I'm gonna try getting a job at that taco bell on 8th as well." I answered. "Okay. then i don't see why not." He replied. I smiled. I bookmarked the page and closed the laptop. I went to the freezer and got some chocolate icecream, cherries, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, whipped cream, a bowl, and a cone. I served the icecream and put cherries in it, then i put the sprinkles, then whipped cream, then syrup, i broke the cone into little peices and put that on the icecream. I went up to my room and started practicing for the play. Ms. Milonee gave us CDs that read everyones part except your characters. It was handy. I practiced all my parts and then put my CD away. I heard a knock on the door and walked up to my door. When I opened it I saw someone i never excpected to see....

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