Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

I can't believe I'm moving. I have to move all the way to California. My mom got promoted from her job. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for my mom but I have to leave everything my friends, my school and my house. I have to start all over new friends, new school and new neighborhood. I hope I can survive this move.

"Emily! Are you almost done?" My mom said.

"Yea mom"

Let me introduce myself. My name is Emily Osment. I'm from New Jersey and I'm moving all the way to California that is all the way across the map. I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I'm moving when the second semester of school before it starts. I'm single and I've never had a boyfriend so I've never had my first kiss yet. I guess I'm waiting for someone special or I don't know. I guess when it comes it will come and I hope I'll be ready.

"Emily are you done packing?"

"Yea mom"

"Ok bring it to the car"

"Ok mom"

I made sure that I didn't leave anything. My mom is selling this house because she got a full deal in California and we are getting a house near the company building. My mom is a music producer. Sometimes if I can go with her to the studio I go.

"Mom how long is our flight?"

"5 hours go to sleep I'll wake you up when we are almost there"


To be honest with you I'm nervous because I'm gonna be the new kid. I hope I make new friends. I hope people will like me in California.

"Emily wake up we are landing in 10 minutes" my mom said while gently shaking me

"Ok mom I'm awake"

"Are you ready"

"No I'm not"

"It will be ok. Don't worry."

That's why I love my mom she is always positive and she always knows how to brighten my mood when I'm nervous or sad. She is always there for me and I'm always there for her.

"Why don't you go around the neighborhood? See if you can make new friends."

"Ok mom I'll see you in a while"

"Try to have fun and don't be late for dinner"

"Ok mom"

I went around the neighborhood so far nothing. I continue walking until I bump into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I looked up to see a girl

"No it's ok I've should've watch where I was going"

I smiled. "I'm Emily" I sticked my hand out

She smiled and shook it "And I'm Miley. You barely move here huh?"

"Yea how did you know?"

"Well one I've never seen you before and I live across the street"

"Oh is it that obvious?"

"Yea but it's ok. You know what you should meet my friends"

"Ok I like that"

She is so nice. I'm glad I met her. She seems really sweet. I hope her friends are the same.

"Girls this is Emily"


"Emily this is Demi, Selena and Ashley"

"Nice to meet you" I shook all of their hands

"It's nice to meet you to" Demi said

"So where are you from?" Selena asked

"I'm from New Jersey"

"Wow that's far from here" Ashley said

"Yea I know"

"Why did you move?" Miley asked

"My mom got a promotion so we had to move"

"Oh" Miley said

"What does your mom do?" Selena asked

"She's a music producer"

"Oh that's cool" Demi said

" Yea" I looked at my watch and it was almost 6. Wow time passes so fast. "I have to go it was nice meeting all of you"

"It was nice meeting you too" Ashley said

"If your no busy tomorrow we should hang out" Selena said

"Ok here's my number" I gave them my number and they gave me theirs "Bye I'll call you guys later if I'm busy or not" I hug all of them

"Bye Emily" all of them said

It was really nice to meet her friends. They are so nice. I hope I can hang out with them tomorrow.

"So how was it?"

"It was fun I made some new friends and they want to hang out tomorrow. Can I hang out with them tomorrow mom?"

"That's great. Yes you can but you have to go with me to my job ok."

"Ok mom what are we gonna go home?"

"Maybe around 1 or 2"

"Ok I'll tell the girls we will hang out around 3"

"Ok now go change I'm almost done with dinner"


So the move wasn't so bad. I like Miley and her friends and I can tell we will be good friends. I texted them at what time we will hang out and they said ok. I can't wait till tomorrow.

Hey guys this is my first story. I hope you guys like it. I like to dedicate this part to @haallie. She encouraged me to write this story and she also helped me find a story line. I like to thank her for that she is amazing you guys should fan her and fan me also and comment on this story if you like it.

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