Chapter 4

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Emily's POV

So this is really awkward. It's just me and Liam. I called the girls to come over but they were all busy. So we are just sitting on the couch. I decide to break the silence.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"


I'm glad I broke the silence. We decided to watch Grown Ups. I put in the dvd and sat down not so close to Liam. All of a sudden I'm pulled closer to him. I look up to see Liam smiling.

"I don't bite"

I started laughing and said "Sure you don't" and he started laughing and I moved closer to him. Halfway through the movie I fell asleep on Liam's shoulder. Then I hear some voices but I kept my eyes close

"Shhh your gonna wake her up" I heard Liam said.

"Sorry" the boys said

Then I felt someone carry me. I opened my eyes to see Liam then I closed them back and snuggle into his chest. He laid me on my bed and whisper good night to me and close my door. I woke up the next morning and thought how did I get to my room then I remember Liam brought me up here and then I thought aww he is so sweet. I went downstairs to find the boys in the kitchen.

"Morning boys"

"Morning" They all said

"Where's my mom?"

"She left" Zayn said

"Oh ok so what do you guys want to today?"

"I don't know" Niall said

"I'll call the girls and we can hang out"

"Ok" Harry said

I call the girls to hang out and they came over 10 mins later

"So what do you guys want to do" I said

"Um let's play truth or dare" Selena said

I thought in my head oh boy not again but whatever as long as I don't kiss anybody or pick dare I'm good.

"Ok who wants to start"

"I'll start" said Niall

"Ok truth or dare" I asked him


"I dare you to take an item of food from the refrigerator and kiss it passionately for 90 seconds"

"Ok" he did that and we all started laughing

"Ok Emily truth or dare" Harry said


"Do you like Liam?

"Umm" Everybody in the room looked at me even Liam

"Do you?" Louis ask 

"Wow pressure much guys give her some space" Demi said

"Thank you Demi"

"Well do you?" Niall asked

"Yes... but as a friend"

"Ok" Harry said

30 mins later of truth or dare and the guys had to leave so it's just me and the girls

"So do you actually just like him as a friend" Ashley said

"I don't know"

"So you don't know?" Selena said

"Well I forgot to tell you guys but the other day when you couldn't hang out the boys and I were playing truth or dare and I picked dare and Harry dared me to kiss Liam"

"And?" Demi said 

"And I felt like our lips were meant for each and I felt like we were perfect together and despite that I wanted more. I want to be his girlfriend and I want him to be my boyfriend "

"Aww " Miley said

"Then why don't you tell him how you feel?" Ashley said

"I'm scared. What if he doesn't like me that way? What if he laughs in my face? What if I make things awkward between me and him? I don't think I'm ready."

"You never know unless you try and if you like him that much your gonna have to face him sooner or later because if you don't do it now you are gonna regret later"  Selena said

"And if he laughs at you will beat him up for you" Demi said

I laughed. "Will you guys be there with me?"

"Yes but we will give some private time to talk to him ok" Miley said

"Ok thank guys" I huged them 

"No problem but when are you gonna tell him?" Ashley said

"I don't know"

"Tomorrow" Demi said


"Tomorrow" The girls said

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