Chapter 3- Blaise

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" I know you really want me to come inside with you... But I don't think I want to."

I narrowed my eyes at him playfully " Uncle Daniel, you have no one other than me beside you. You're good!" I hurriedly knocked on the front door. I felt excitement and dread but above all, I was filled with nothing but hope. I hadn't met him, and I knew all about what had happened from my uncles. But I wanted to give this family a chance. The door opened and I was met by a kind face, with deep purple eyes and dark hair. He smiled and moved aside, inviting the two of us in. I pulled my uncle along. We sat in the living room and waited for him to come and sit with us. " And to what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked, sitting down casually. " Oh!" I laughed, as I didn't want those to be my first words to my grandfather. " It's just... It's technically our first time actually meeting and I wanted to meet you... You know..." I chuckled awkwardly. This went way better in my head than it did in person. I sighed deeply " I just... I know things are really awkward for everyone and you but... I hope that won't be the case with us?" I shrugged, hopeful. " Blaise, is it?" He asked. It dawned on me that I never told him who I was in the first place. " Yeah, so sorry! I'm your granddaughter, Blaise! I should've said something about that before..."

" That's fine... And of course. I hope everything's alright." He sighed, rustling my hair up. I chuckled and did my best to fix it out. " Hey, your hair looks pretty cool. Tell me about it."

" Oh! Uncle Daniel helps me dye my hair. It's electric blue and peach... It just felt like a good combination of colors... But I'm going to re-dye soon. " He looked at me confused " Well, it looks fine. Why the rush?"

" I've had these colors in for... 3 months? Its just time for something new."

" So... What colors?"

" I'm doing black and violet. Plus I'm cutting my hair.. And I'm cutting off... 15 or so inches?" My uncle Daniel looked surprised and so did my grandpa. " Wow... So... Almost all of it?"

" yeah... It'll be short soon."

" Well that's something to look forward to." He sighed. " Did either of you eat before coming?" My stomach had the audacity to growl before I would politely decline. He chuckled and walked over to the open bar in his kitchen. " My wife made extra pasta, would you like some?"

" Oh, is that okay with her?" He nodded, " It's fine!" Uncle Daniel was definitely not comfortable here and it was awkward for him. You could feel it in the air.

" Grandpa... Can I have those chocolates?"

" Have as many as you want! But don't spoil your appetite." I nodded and had a few that were in a crystal glass stand on the bar.

" Hey dad, question." Uncle Daniel sighed. " I thought we weren't talking. Are you and everyone else caving?"

" Yes. The silence and distance is unbearable. Now I was going to ask if those chocolates happen to have... Almonds, at all?"

" Yes... She's- wait she's allergic to...?" He asked awkwardly and just barely understanding. My uncle nodded " Well all the ones I've eaten had cherry filling or caramel in the center." I chimed in. My uncle sighed in relief. " Please refrain from them." I huffed softly, disappointed. I closed the lid to the crystal glass. " Grandpa, I know this probably isn't the time... But I wanted to know more about Uncle Daniel as a kid!" A shadow of darkness passed over his face and he continued to look over the pasta that was being warmed up on his stove. " The truth is... I barely know. I left his mother before he matured fully, and before that, I was in hell, being punished for some crazy stuff I did in the past." I could tell he was sad just thinking about it all " I wish I got to know him more. In the way I should've." Now I could hear nothing but pain in his voice." In the way I promised." He whispered softly. I felt guilty about that. It seemed like my uncle Daniel didn' t exactly tell me everything." Sorry I brought it up Grandpa, I didn't mean to make you sad-"

" Don't worry about it, Blaise. I just want you and your sister to live a life that you won't look back on in pain and in sadness. Live with no regrets. I'm alive and I have more regrets than I can name and I don't want that for you, or anyone else in our family." He murmured, wearing a smile that would shatter to pieces the moment he would look away.

" Grandpa?"

" Yes?"

" Is the pasta ready?" We all had a laugh, even if for a moment, it felt like I was slowly winning back my family.

Carter's P.O.V

" This is... A bit weird, but bear with me." Reyna took off her shirt and used it to cover herself as she removed her bra. I looked away for a moment " What exactly did you want to show me?" I asked. Crack. A slivering sound, almost like moving flesh and snapping bones was all I could hear. My jaw dropped at what I saw.

" This. This is what I haven't shown anyone... Ever."

" Jet Black wings..." my voice trailed off. I remembered those same marks on Sapphire's back. As much as I would love to forget it, they were almost identical to Reyna's marks. Rips in the flesh that healed instantly but still left marks along her upper back. " What?" She asked. " If what you said was true, of course you'd have these wings. What about Roman?" Something glinted in her eyes... Fear. " Roman has them as well... I don't know what they mean... Or do, even."

" Where's Roman now? Can you track him?"

" Not anymore. But I'll take you to the stream where we found-" she let out a pained wince as her wings shrunk back into her flesh. " To where we found the angel."

She dressed and let out a jagged and tearful sigh. " We'll figure out a way to find out what's happening, Reyna. Don't worry." For a moment, I wanted to convince myself for her sake that we'd be able to do this but... This involved angels, way out of my expertise. But I had a favour that I could ask of one. That was a start.

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