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— half of the events have been said in a group chat so — anyones POV

Ronald was driving Wendy home after closing hours, they didn't get much customers that day anyway. Wendy is nervously looking around and biting at her fingers, Ronald puts his hand on her thigh

"What's wrong? You look startled darling." Ronald said, generally worried.

"Harvey might be home.. oh god... this was such a bad idea, Ron." Wendy said fearing that Harvey will find out

"Harvey? Seriously? You went after him? C'mon Wendy you deserve better." Ronald said in a jealous manner

"He actually knows how to treat someone Ron, I'm married. I risked my marriage for you, if he finds out it'll be the last you'll hear from me. I'll come for your business and then you." Wendy said, obviously just a threat.

Ronald started chuckling, Wendy was in no power to do anything. After all, his business is well more successful than hers.

"Yea, okay. Whatever you say, dear. Although I know you will come for me, right?" Ronald winked, hysterically laughing.

Wendy just sighed and looked out the window, can this fucking car ride go any slower.

"Ron, that's my house!" Wendy said, glaring at Ronald.

Ronald just kept driving, not saying a word. He grabbed Wendys hand, still keeping his eyes and free hand on the wheel + road. He knows he missed his house, it happened for a reason.

Wendy just sighed, not thinking much of it. She quickly falls asleep, waiting for him to stop somewhere.  Ronald drives 30 minutes to a beach, it's quite peaceful. Ronald looks over and brushes his hand on Wendys shoulder, trying to wake her up.

"Wendy, wake up. I gotta show you something." Ronald said smiling

"Ron, where are we?.." Wendy said, still half asleep.

"Look up" Ronald said

Wendy looks up and steps out of the car, instantly realizing that this is the place where they had their first date. (Ronald and Wendy) Wendy looks down in a sad manner, knowing those times can't and will never come back.


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"Ronald.. you know we can't be together." Wendy said, looking down.

Ronald pulls Wendy close to him, putting an arm around her waist.

"Just enjoy the peaceful waves while you can, okay?" Ronald said, looking down at her.

"Fine, I have to be home soon though."

"I get it, I'm gonna go grab something from the car." Ronald said, walking towards the car, leaving Wendy to stare at the waves. Ronald is trying to find his spare blanket while he hears Wendys phone ringing, he sees the contact name 'Babe'. Gross, Harvey was his worst enemy. How could Wendy even marry him anyway. What's there to like about him anyway? Ronald is better.. at least in his mind. Ronald just clears the call notification and grabs the blanket and places it down.

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