5 - Sleep

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Hannibal's POV

After Hailey left my office, i felt i had lost a part of myself. It is strange to feel such a longing for someone, particularly when they aren't yours to lose in the first place.

I decided to not put up with such unfamiliar emotions. I waited long enough for her to have reached her dorm, and when the time was up, i walked over to her block.

I watched, through her window, as she lay on her bed with a book between her hands and her feet in the air.
There was something quite beautiful about this image, something i wanted to come back to, so i took out my notepad from my bag and began to draw her. Of course i couldn't see every detail from the distance i watched her from, so i drew from memory too. I casted my mind back to our session and drew her freckles, her lips, her dimples and the lighter speckles in her eyes.

Once Hailey switched of her lamp and drew the blinds, i went home. I made sure to clear my schedule for tomorrow, i promised Hailey i'll help her, so i will spend the day doing just that.

Hailey's POV

It's the morning after my first appointment with Dr Lecter, and by morning i mean 5:47 AM.
Instead of attempting to go back to sleep, i decide to get some homework done so i can spend the rest of my day with Sienna, the only person in this school doesn't seem entirely self interested.

I walk outside, it's a quiet morning. The only sounds i hear are the crunching leaves beneath my feet and the birds singing.
Barely anyone was up yet so i decide to sit on a more public bench instead of my hidden one. I put my headphones in and take a long-awaited deep breath. I question if this is what it feels like to be truly stress free.

I sit on the bench for a while, letting my mind wonder. Usually when i do this, negative thoughts take over, however there was only one thing i could think of - Dr Lecter. I question whether i should worry about these thoughts, yet i conclude that they're harmless.

I think about our encounter on the bench, and in his office, and how quickly everything has happened. A few days ago i didn't even know of a Dr Lecter, yet now i'm begging for his help.

After sitting on the bench for a while i start to shiver. Despite loving this weather, i continue to underdress.

Suddenly, i feel something being placed around me, i look on my shoulders and it's a large black blazer.

"You shouldn't be out here in this weather, you'll get ill."

I look up and my eyes meet Dr Lecter's.

Although it feels like we stayed like this for hours, it was only a matter of seconds before i dragged my eyes away.

He then moved to sit next to me on the bench. I found myself focusing more on his scent hugging me than anything else.

"Thank you, Dr Lecter, but i really am okay."

He tilted his head to the side, dismissing my lie with one movement.

There was a silence for a few seconds as he stared at me. His expression quickly changed from playful to serious, perhaps even worried?


I could never be quite sure of what he was thinking, but his tone seemed as if something bad will follow.

My heart beats faster and faster while i wait for the silence to be filled with Dr Lecter's following words.

"You look tired."

Disappointment and relief washes over me at the same time. Although i didn't know what he was going to say, i didn't expect that.
Should i be offended ? Is he saying i look... bad? Would i even care if he said i looked bad ?

Hannibal's POV

I watch as Hailey's eyes drift to somewhere in the distance, she was trying to ignore what i had said, however i'm not letting her run away from this.

"How many hours of sleep did you get last night, Hailey?"

"Plenty, Dr Lecter."

Her politeness couldn't cover up her hostility.

"Let's take this conversation to my office, we don't want you to catch a cold out here."

"No, it's fine. I'm okay... honestly."

"It wasn't a question. Follow me."

I stand up and watches as she copies me.

Hailey's POV

I reluctantly follow him.
I didn't choose to follow him, nor did i choose to feel safe with him, yet both just... happened.

We walk into his office and i watch as Dr Lecter lights the fire.
I take a seat on the couch opposite the fire and watch the dancing flames. I hate how relaxed it makes me feel - how relaxed he makes me feel.

He joins me not long after. I expect him to start interrogating me, yet he doesn't. He just lets me listen to the sound of a crackling fire and some calming classical music that he must've put on a few moments ago.

"Feel better?"
He asks with a smug expression

With the music, the warmth and the overall lack of sleep, i drift into unconsciousness.

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