6 - Damaged

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Hannibal's POV

I can't help but observe her as she sleeps. I don't want to wake her as she hasn't slept much...
no other reason.

She looks so peaceful, so relaxed.
It's obvious i've already helped her more than anyone else in her life. Hopefully she sees this and recognises that i'm a source of stability for her.

I place a blanket over her body and decide to get a few things in order before she wakes - i want her to have my full attention when conscious.


Hailey's POV

I slowly sit up and rub my eyes gently, i stare at the dying fire and try to gather clarity of todays events.
I turn to see Dr Lector standing besides me, towering over my seated body, unintentionally asserting his dominance once more.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, perfectly actually."

"I'm glad."

The sofa slightly sinks as he takes a seat beside me .

I don't say anything, i just wait for him to
inevitably speak of something i rather we didn't bring up.

"Hailey, i need you to talk to me. I understand this is difficult, but you're obviously exhausted and i need to help you. I cant do this alone, ok?"

I take a deep breath and keep my eyes on the logs that are now barely burning.

"I don't want you to think i'm... damaged."

"I would never view you in such a way."

There's a sincerity in the way he speaks that compels me to believe him. I guess he has worked with people who have had it worse than me, and i doubt he gave up on them because of their past.

But if i am to expose my past, i have to be careful, i can't risk him finding out what i did.
Although i don't regret it, i still carry a lot of guilt and shame. He forced my hand to do what it did, yet i am the one that has to live with it, it's unfair.

"Dr Lecter, i don't think i can tell you, it's too difficult."

"Then let me make it a bit easier," he stands up, "follow me."

He walks to a desk with one teacup placed on it, he starts to fill it with water and adds some type of herb.

"What's that?"

"Ayahuasca tea, It's a type of hallucinogenic."

"You're giving me... drugs?"

"I'm giving you this drug."


"For your benefit. It should allow for you to talk to me, free from any anxiety."

I mean... what's the worst that can happen? I've been beyond stressed recently, so maybe it'll be good to be able to not think so much for once.

He hands me the tea, i take it off him and hesitate.

"Drink up."

I lift the teacup to my lips and drink it. It tasted weird, almost minty. After i drink half, i go to place the cup down, but as i do so Dr Lecter stares at me intensely, i knew instantly he was telling me to drink it all. So i did.

I didn't feel much different so i walked over to his very large windows and looked out of them.
I've been in this room twice, yet i have never noticed how beautiful the view is from his office.

"This is very unethical of you, Dr Lecter."

"Who's to say?"
He says as he joins me by the window, "God?"
He laughs almost mockingly

"God, the law... and the people you work for."

"Well, i believe we create our own morals. And i say this is not unethical."

As i turn to look at him everything moves in slow motion. I feel every single movement i make and i suddenly start laughing. I couldn't pinpoint what i was laughing at but something was amusing.

"I see the tea has kicked in"
He laughs lightly

Dr Lecter takes hold of my waist and guides me to his black leather seat, it feel like millions of nerves inside my body reacted at once.

Hannibal's POV

Her checks flush a beautiful rose colour when i touch her. This pleases me.

I take a seat opposite her and observe how her eyes dart around the room, probably becoming accustomed to the drug.

"Hailey, i doubt you will remember this in the morning, so let's make use of this time."

"Yes, sir."
she says as she laughs

For the first time in my life, i become flustered. I adjust my suit and present a calm manner - i cannot have her believing she has any sort of control over me.

"Tell me about one of your earliest memories."

"Well, i remember coming home to my mum's after i had just spent the day with my dad, it was the most fun i'd ever had, i really love him. Loved... i really - loved him."

Tears start to form in her eyes and i feel a desperate need to comfort her, however i do not, i just allow her to continue with her story.

"Anyway... after i came home i felt so happy, like nothing could ruin my day. Yet it did. My step dad found out where i'd been and... hurt me because of it."

I wish i could tell her that she didn't need to worry, that i will take care of it - take care of him. I'll protect her from these types of disgusting people in the world. I'll make him wish he never lay a finger on my Hailey.

She starts to cry even more now.
I make my way towards her and kneel down before her.
Our faces inches apart, i have to repress the desire to close the gap.

I lift my hand and wipe her tears, her skin is even smoother than it looks.

"It's okay, Hailey, he can no longer hurt you."

She leans into my touch and stops crying.

"Dr Lecter..."


"I killed him. I murdered my step father... and i don't regret it."

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