7 Days Prior

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Aubrey throws the rest of her pens into her bag, letting them scatter on the bottom of its lower compartment. Typically, she arranges them inside her pen case in a rainbow color order. Not today. The stiffness and the exhaustion take away her willpower to serve her needs for conformity. And it's because of the incident she had last Monday.

The last blackout was the strongest one she's ever had. When she was awake, she was lying in a fetal position on the humid ground of the barn, body aching all over. Once she managed to get up, she trudged to the house under the pouring rain. She mumbled incoherently about having to stay back in the library when Lorraine asked her whereabouts.

"How were the tests? Did you nail them?" Bob plops down on the seat in front of her, pulling her mind back to the classroom.

Aubrey shrugs while eyeing the last group of students heading to the door. "We'll see soon enough."

"You're still pale. Don't you need to get checked up by the doctor? To see if there is nothing serious."

Aubrey rolls her eyes. Bob and his obsession with health sometimes poke her nerves. "I don't need to see a doctor, Bob."

"Why not? It won't hurt to know that you're actually fine. You should take good care of yourself more, Bree."

"Stop talking like Lorraine," Aubrey says, irritation growing in her. "I don't need you to preach right now." Feeling the sudden heaviness in her head, she massages her temple.

"Okay, sorry."

Things with Bob are gradually warming up since he's no longer avoiding her. To Aubrey's surprise, Bob seems to reach out to her, especially after he saw her talking with Asher last Monday. Yet, not a single word has been spoken about the jock. Maybe he wants to give her more room, like what she did to him when it comes to Lizzie.

"Is that true that you're going to prom with Asher?"

Aubrey bites her inner cheek. Too early to say that Bob is going to stay out of her business. "I guess. Who told you?"

"Lizzie. And she said every girl in this school is talking about it."

"Oh, wow. So I'm like, popular now?" Aubrey scoffs as she stands up and slings her backpack over her shoulder.

"Bree, do you think it's a good idea? I mean, this doesn't sound like you." Bob looks up at her, frowning. "I still remember last month you said you'd rather sit on your roof, watching the stars instead of going to this prom. Even two weeks ago, you still didn't want to go."

Aubrey shrugs. "Things change."

"Are you in some kind of trouble now? Or is he tricking you to come?"

Aubrey clenches her jaws. "No."

"You know Asher is a douche, right?"


"Then why did you agree?"

Aubrey crosses her arms over her chest, eyes glaring at her so-called best friend. "Because."

Bob sighs. "What about Lorraine? I thought she was against this prom stuff."

"Yeah, and?"

Bob narrows his gaze on her for several seconds before shaking his head. "You should not let a guy like Asher get closer to you."

Aubrey grits her teeth. The rage that she's been trying to ignore is now boiling inside, ready to erupt. "Why is that?"

"I know he's up for no good. I'm afraid he just wants to mess around with you. You can't beat him in his game, Bree."

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