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A/N: Hey Sara here I'm in an evil mood so take this angst mwahahhaha also ooooo first person views ooooo spookyyyy -Sara

Madeleine grunted, using his sword to block off one of the many attacks he was faced against. Most cookies had got to safety. The ones that hadn't were the ones fighting alongside him. Most were magic users, but there were some that weren't. Cookies like Latte cookie were protecting the cookies that weren't fighting, or were unable to fight. Most were children. And cookies like Raspberry cookie, Espresso cookie, and many others were helping by fighting off the dark forces.

Dark Enchantress cookies' followers were not something to fool with. Pomegranate and the ring leader herself must've organised this attack. This, had to be one of, if not the biggest battles he'd fought in. Armies of cake creatures, and the entirety of the cookies of darkness. Pomegranate, Liquorice, Poison Mushroom, Dark Choco, and Red Velvet. These cookies were in the centre of the attacks, giving the most fatal blows.

Madeleine, after dealing with the enemies he had to deal with, ran over to help raspberry, seeing she was struggling. However, as he was about to act out on this, something caught him off guard. Espressos coffee magic blast, and him fighting against liquorice. This wasn't what specifically what caught him off guard. It was the fact that Espresso was on the ground, with the other about to finish him off. Without a second thought he ran up to the two.

Espresso glared up at liquorice. He honestly thought that this was his end. He believed that, he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable impact. However, after a few moments, that impact never came. He opened his eyes, gasping slightly at the sight. Liquorices body had been impaled straight through the centre. And as the sword pulled back out, fully dealing the fatal blow, Liquorice's body dropped down. Stood behind him? It was none other than Madeleine. He pulled Espresso to his feet quickly staring at him. "How is your magic holding up."
"It's, holding up fine. I could've handled myself."
"Try not to fall down and nearly get yourself killed. Then maybe I'd believe you."
Madeleine rushed off, going back to helping out Raspberry. And Espresso had no time to think, instantly getting back to battle. Something was telling him that some dreadful fate was about to bestow itself upon him. What, he didn't know. Death? Loss? Who knows.

A little later into the battle, it was nearing its end. Espressos hands were burning, he probably had scars on them at this point. Most of the cake monsters were defeated, Liquorice was dead, Pomegranate was down, and only Red Velvet Dark Choco and Poison Mushroom remained. Red velvet was walking over the remains of fallen cake hounds and cookies alike, when he spotted it. He stopped dead in his tracks, staring at Liquorice's corpse in a shocked sort of silence. He quickly turned, glaring at just who he knew had caused this. Without a second thought, he ran up to his target.

(Here's the POV thing sweethearts 🥺🥺🥺)

Espresso POV:

I finished off the last of the enemies that surrounded me. I couldn't even feel my hands anymore. No doubt something would have to be done about them after all of this, after all it's not like some ice and tissue would be able to help at this point. However, I'd take what I could get. I was broke out of my thoughts when I heard someone not too far away gasp, with what sounded like a mixture of shock and pain. I turned to see who needed aid, however I wasn't anywhere near prepared for what I had to face.

Red velvet was behind Madeleine, using Madeleines own sword to plunge straight through his chest. It was a morbid sight. I was frozen, what was I meant to do? Move. I kept telling that to myself. Move. Move. Movemovemovemove- Help him. Help him. Stop being useless. Help him, you fool. I ignored everything else, collecting my senses. I rushed over, watching Red Velvet pull his sword out of Madeleine. I managed to catch him before he hit the ground, but he was bleeding rapidly.


I was screaming out of pure desperation for this man. I held his hands, I hadn't even realised tears were falling down my cheeks faster than they ever had, until he slightly looked at me. He wiped away my tears, quietly hushing me. He was trying to assure me. Madeleine was bleeding out, almost dying, and he was still trying to assure me. I took a shaky breath, lifting him up in my arms. I still grasped tightly onto his hand, rushing over to where Pure Vanilla was. I wasn't done with this battle. Once I knew Madeleine was safe, I was going to make Red Velvet wish he had never even been created. "Please, Pure Vanilla do something please, Make sure he's alright and safe, I'm begging you." Pure Vanilla looked at me with a worried expression, before nodding. "Of course..." Madeleine was brought off with Pure Vanilla. After that, it was like my entire world changed. I had one goal at this current moment. I got back to battle, using my explosive dark magic to knock over Red Velvet. I hadn't intended to kill him, not this way anyways. I strolled to where he had been knocked over. I picked up his sword, aiming for his entire chest area. Without a second thought.

I plunged down the sword.

No One POV:

A month had passed since that deadly battle. The cookies of darkness had disappeared and hadn't been heard of since. Many cookies were lost during the battle. Espresso walked into a brightly lit room, walking over to a bed. He sat on the edge, gently gripping onto Madeleines hand. He was in a coma. Pure Vanilla and herb were doing everything they could for the kingdom, it was very much so tiring them down. Espresso sighed, rubbing his temple. He had his own fair share of battle wounds, the eye that was usually covered with hair he could no longer see out of, with a scar covering said eye. His hands had many burns on them, and his legs were a mess of bruises and scars still. He wanted Madeleine to wake up. For once he wanted to be the one to tell Madeleine that everything would be ok. If that day would come he would never know. All he could do is wait.

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