Chapter 17 - Alex's POV

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Quick preview of Chapter 17


I wake up the next morning to my head on Jack's chest and my arm slung over his chest. His head leans against my headboard and his arm is wrapped around my waist. I scoot forward just a little and kiss underneath his jaw. He stirs and his eyes open. He smiles and stretches. "Morning baby girl."

"Mornin'." He smiles and lifts me up, setting me on his lap. I straddle him, one leg on either side of him. He kisses my lips softly and I wrap my arms around his neck, playing with his hair. "As much as I would love doing this with you, I have to go." I peck his lips before swinging my leg around and standing

"What? Where are you going?" He asks, his eyebrows (which are on fleek) drawing closer.

"I'm volunteering at the animal shelter."

"Really? Why? How long?"

"Yes. Because we have to get volunteer hours for school. For four hours."

"Oh shit. I forgot about volunteering. Can I come?"

"I don't know. You might could."

"Great. I'm coming."

"Okay. Do you have clothes?"

"Shit. No."

"You could wear Nate's."


"It's not like they wouldn't fit. You are both scrawny."

"YOU TOLD ME I WASN'T SCRAWNY." He yells. I giggle and nod.

"I wasn't lying." I giggle and he frowns.

"Nah fuck Alex."

"No seriously. Your arms are muscular." I smile and he can't help but smile back. He gets off the bed and wraps his arms underneath my butt and pulls me toward him. I giggle and kiss his lips.

"Jack. Move. I have to get dressed."I push him and he grins.

"Fine. I don't even need you." He walks out of my room and runs downstairs. That's when I hear my fucking mom.

"Who are you?!" She screeches.

"Oh. um. Jack." Jack says. He says it awkwardly. I run downstairs as fast as I can.

"Ew. Nate. What's Jack doing here?" I ask, acting as disgusted as possible.

"Alex, he was just staying over." Nate says, catching on.

My parents don't exactly know about Jack, and if they found out that I was dating him, they would flip and my dad would hurt me. Simple as that. The only problem is, is that Jack doesn't know that my parents don't know about us. Which, once again, is bad.

"Nate. You have never had him over. Is he new?" Mom asks.

"No. Mom. He's been over millions of times." Nate says.

"Oh. But I don't believe we have ever met. Karen." My mom holds her hand out to Jack. He looks confused. I mouth the words 'Just go with it' and he seems to understand. He smiles and shakes her hand.



Sorry I haven't had any time to write my story. I could only get this done tonight, but I will finish it tomorrow night. I hope you liked it, although, there isn't much to like... :'D byeeee luvvvsssss

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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