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This is not a recommendation, but I feel like I need to say something about this... for the advantage of readers and writers.

Please note that the stories I recommend either have a good 

1.  Storyline, 

2.  Originality,     

3.  Good writing with fair grammar etc, 

4. or all of the above. 

I won't be recommending just any story I read, but I will recommend those that have what a hardcore reader could be possibly looking for.

This will be very important to all authors and readers, so I suggest you read this.

As a very introverted person, I spend my time constantly on the Internet with my work as well as for stress relief. 

And I noticed something that truly disturbed me the past few months.

I saw a lot of Yizhan stories that seemed like they aren't originals at all. Now, I've heard how people tend to copy-paste another writer's work, as it happened to some of my good friends multiple times.

I've seen how some stories are copy-pasted with name changes from elsewhere.

I've noticed some stories aren't original ideas but are already existing ideas taken from comics and other stories, whether in English or other languages.

Some stories are copy-pasted from ao3 to Wattpad and Wattpad to ao3, some are taken from webtoons and comic sites, and some Yizhan stories are copy-pasted with names and all changed from either straight romance stories or other fan fiction stories. Some are obviously stolen and translated without permission and published as their own...

You may think people wouldn't notice when you take someone else's work and publish it as your own. But for hard-core readers and writers like myself, it's obvious. And trust me, I'm very disappointed.

I'm telling this on behalf of all the original creative writers/authors out there. They work really hard to get their story in place. They rake their brains to fill in loopholes and create a good story with a solid storyline. They do lots of research before they write. Their work is a part of themselves, their imagination, their ideas, their effort and their hard work. These writers and creators work really hard to create a story and get it out there, all the while possibly having multiple breakdowns and dealing with stress.

And just because they do it for free, doesn't mean it gives you any right to steal copyrights and publish them as your own. The original writers and creators take days, weeks and maybe months to complete one chapter while someone else can copy-paste it as their own. Stealing all credit and effort.

The original writers and creators work so hard to create something and you, stealing all their hard work is not very nice now, is it? There are basic things in life... Like ethics, self-discipline... and simply a MORAL CONSCIOUS that we must try to follow as decent human beings.

It's at least fair enough if you take permission from the original creator, and give copyrights or credits to the original creator.

But to take someone else's work and post it as yours, is just absolutely immoral and disappointing, don't you think? This is one reason why I myself as a writer and creator am very hesitant to post things online. People just don't have a conscience and disregard all your effort and hard work and steal your work like it's the most normal thing to do when it's not.

It's just not! I truly appreciate a good story. When I read, I don't just read, I live the story and I try to understand the author as well. Writing and creating content is never easy. One may have an idea, but an idea isn't enough on its own. It takes lots of thinking, research, and effort to bring an idea to life. We need to respect these creators for that reason. They make an effort to give us an entertaining and capturing story or creation. It's not okay to copy and steal their work and use it as your own.

I genuinely have so much respect for all original writers and content creators. Even if your story may be lacking, YOU'RE STILL MAKING AN EFFORT AND TRUST ME, IT WILL PAY OFF ONE DAY.

I'm truly so very grateful to all the amazing writers and creators that make an effort to wrap a story. We are so lucky and blessed to be given such incredible stories for free, and WE as readers  SHOULDN'T TAKE THAT FOR GRANTED.

We must support the original authors and creators and respect them.

So Dear Readers and Writers, I kindly ask you all to be sensible and morally conscious human beings as readers and writers. Please be respectful and give credit where it's due. Please respect original writers and authors that make an effort to create something you love and give it to you for free. It's the least you can do as showing your gratitude. It's okay if you can't pay or support the authors and creators, but at least don't go stealing their work and posting it elsewhere without permission and giving credit.

Thank you.

Yizhan stories that I reccomendWhere stories live. Discover now