Chapter Ten:

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Mystery's P.O.V.

I felt calm, walking through the forest, but that was probably because my little child was clinging in my arms, crying. I didn't know where I was going, I was just trying to get as far away from them as I could. All I wanted was my siblings to be with me, as I carried the child away, but I knew that that they'd come to me, when they finished killing off the rogues that followed us.

Franchessca shivered in the cold ant whimpered, she looked up at me with her big chocolate brown eyes, and asked, "Where is Tj, Annie, and Bex?"

I shake my head, as I start to sprint silently through the forest. I answer, "I don't know, Frankie."

She snezzes, her dark blode hair curled around her angelic face. She questioned sadly, "Are they coming back?"

I sighed out a reasurance, "Of course, doll. They always come back."

"Yeah, I guess they do." She replied.

Minutes later she dozed off, as the sun set, and everything went black.

I decide to take cover in a cave, surrounded by leaves and vines, so no one would notice us, unless they stared at the entrance long enough.

I fell asleep, cuddling Frankie next to me, hoping the warmth of both of us is enough to keep us alive.


I woke up to hear shouting inside my head.

Are you there, dude?!?! Hello?, Tj shouted through mindlink.

Yeah, sorry I was sleeping., I answered.

Are you two okay?, Bex interuppted through mindlink.

Yup. Where are you guys? It's almost morning., I ask.

Looking for you, crazy!, Screeches Annie.

Guys chill, i'll meet you at the lake. I saw it while I was running earlier., I tell them.

Okay, we actually past that just now, so we'll see you soon., Huffed Bex.

Cool, Ill see you soon. I just need to wake up Frankie., I inform them.

Fine, see ya later., Bex cuts in, and cutting his link.

Yeah, hurry up, we needa talk. We found out new info., Annie demands.

Okay, okay, i'll be there., I reply, and cut the link.

I walk over to Franchessca, and shake her awake, she groans a bit, and opens her eyes.

"What?" She grummbles.

"It's time to go, Fran." I whisper.

"Where, this time?" She asks, as she begins to stretch.

"The lake we passed earlier. They're meeting us there." I comment, as I picked her up in my arms.

" 'Kay, let's go!" She mummbles.

Them I run into a full sprint, and as I stop at the lake, I see them on their knees, with their hands up, as they stared in the face of a black wolf, and three white wolves, who growled at them in attack position.

I screamed, as they showed their teeth, "STOP!" The black one turns towards me, and gives me a blank wolfy grin, and runs near me.

Then changes in human form, not bothering to cover herself. She extends a hand to me, and smiles, she greets, "Hello, Dawn, it's nice to finally meet you. I've seen so many things to come in the future. It's nice to know that I have a little sister. I've always wanted one. By the way I'm a werewolf, and the strongest Alpha on Earth. Anyways, would you and your friends, like to come with us?"

I stare at her in shock, and with that I pass out, Frankie still cluthched to me, as I fade into darkness.

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