the voice and almost found

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Missy and the others are doing formation

"That's good. Back in formation" Anita Said

She chuckled and She saw me.. And Olaf

"Keep training" She said and walk over me

And saw me

"[Sigh] Now, Now Y/n" Anita said

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"[Sigh] Now, Now Y/n" Anita said

I turn around and saw Anita

"I know you can't Control your powers but Still focus" Anita said

"But... " I took out my Scythe "it's hard to use this  I'm still practicing on my own... " you said

"Are you sure your Majesty? " She said "yea-"


I turn around I heard my mother voice she's Alive

"You okay? " She said with worried

"Oh yea.. I be there in a minute" You said and She nod

You Fell down to the Tree and Train your Scythe

5 minutes Later

I take a Quick break


"Ah~Ah~... " I take my Scythe and go back


"Miss Moreno! " it was Wheels

"What? " Anita Said and Stand up

"Better come quick! " He said panicking

"Oh my.. " Anita said "Oh no.. " She said

"They sure found you fast" Anita Said

I walk beside wildcard and Saw me

"Where have you been? " He said looking at me

"Training my Scythe.. And my powers.. " He nod and take my hand with glove on

"They wana take us back to headquarters" face maker said

"Well too bad, We've got a world to save" Missy said

"Go through this tunnel, I'll hold them off" Anita said

They go run to the Tunnel I let Olaf to go First and Wildcard Take my hand to go to the Tunnel

"Go, go, go! " Anita said and Missy

"I wish you could come with us" Missy said

And Anita pull Missy for a Hug

"Hug me, as if it's for the Last time" Anita said

"Hey, it won't be.. " Missy said

"I promise"

"That's my girl" Anita said

"Go!, Go!, Go!, Go!, Go! " She shouted

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