Chapter 1

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"goodnight mum, goodnight dad," I said to Edaline and Grady as I ran up the stairs trying not to trip. I waited outside my room for Sandor's routinely security sweep. Once I had the all clear I jumped onto my bed and grabbed my imparter.
"Hail Keefe Sencen." I wispered into my the small device.

On the third ring he answered.
"Hey, Foster. What's up?" He said.
"Hi, Keefe." I replied, "Not much"
"Yeah, same"
"Yup," I awkwardly said, not really knowing why I called. We talked for a little while before I got ready for bed.
"I... Uuhhh.. Gotta go, Foster. See ya," Keefe said as he hung up.

I sighed and snuggled under the covers, hoping that I would have at least, one full night of sleep. I tossed and turned for a while before drifting off to sleep.

I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful pair of ice blue eyes I had ever seen. His perfectly messed up hair and a devilish grin plastered across his face as he drew the most beautiful drawings of different landscapes I had never seen before. Suddenly there was no floor. We where falling.

I thrashed and wriggled before sitting up with a start. I looked around my room. Only it wasn't my room but the window outside of Keefe's bedroom.

Falling SensationWhere stories live. Discover now