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Taehyung didn't eat when he got home that night, his parents deeply worried for him. He had buried himself in his bed, tears still cascading down his cheek. He was trembling, despite not knowing what the mysterious king looked like, he envisioned himself trying to fight him away. How the blood thirsty king couldn't control himself, taking more than he needed, leaving him lifeless on the floor.

His mind jumped back to his parents, and how with combined incomes, it just wasn't enough. He would get paid well for having rare blood right? Even if it costs him his life? He had to talk to his parents despite knowing what their answer would be.

Right now he was cleared for feeding but not tagged which means people don't know he's safe to feed from... yet. He stepped out from his room, finding his parents sat together and enjoying some tea. His father still had his cigar but placed it on the tray once he spotted Taehyung's figure appearing. "Tae bear, what happened? Did you have an argument with Jimin over dumplings again?" His mothers calm voice asked.

Taehyung took a seat across from them and spoke with a small voice "I did something...stupid."

"What?" His father asked with a deep tone. Taehyung hung his head "I g-got tested a-and cleared for feeding." He muttered, feeling tears fall again. His mother gasped "please tell me you're joking!" She said with a shaky voice. When she got no response from her son, she erupted in tears, almost screaming. "N-no... m-my baby." She said, grabbing Taehyung and pulling him into a tight hug. "I won't let them! No." She clung to her sons clothes.

She pulled away and looked right into Taehyung's eyes "why!? Why did you do such a stupid thing?" She questioned, still sobbing. Taehyung shook his head "it was the only way to help. Eomma, we're close to being evicted." He stated, trying to wipe away his mother's tears.

His father had kept quiet the whole time yet he had been holding his emotions back. His mother began checking his ears "you're not tagged?" She said, confused. Taehyung avoided her eyes "I ran out." He explained, nibbling his bottom lip. "Why son?" His father's voice finally spoke. "He's submitting me to the king." Taehyung answered, watching how his mother began to sob louder now. "They'll probably be here soon." His father said and took a puff from his cigar.

"Nooo." His mother whimpered, gripping his wrists tightly. Taehyung knew there was no going back now, they were going to burst through those doors and tag him. They were going to deliver him to their king, for his rare blood. What is it that makes his blood rare anyway? It's just blood...

His mother held a pleading look towards her son despite knowing that theres nothing she could do. Taehyung is 20, the minimum age for blood maids is 16 so he's well over the age now. "Did you not think about how this would make us or even your friends feel?" His father's voice spoke. Taehyung sighed "I did it for you, i'm sorry." His voice was small.

The small family stopped their discussion when there was a knock on the door. His mother felt like she was going to scream so she covered her mouth with her hand. His father stood from his seat and walked to the door, slowly opening it so he saw who it was first. Knights stood there, the ones from the palace to be specific.

"Good evening Mr Kim, my name is Namjoon." A smooth voice spoke breaking the silence. He eyed the dimple smile as well as the obvious retracted fans, not fully hidden. "Is your son home?" The vampire asked, just out of respect. He knew Taehyung was in there, catching the scent of the rare blood human from outside.

Once the king had heard the news of a rare blood human, he sent his most trusted knights to retrieve what he will claim as his. Taehyung's father sighed knowing he'd never get away with lying "he is." He couldn't hide the nerves in his voice. Namjoon was still doing his smile "we're just here to collect him." He stated his business.

He didn't hear Taehyung approach behind "i'm here." He said, lowering his head. His snotty nose and red eyes were on full display but he didn't care. He had got it in his head that he was walking to his death, but at least his family will no longer suffer...

Maybe he could send some of his wage to Jimin and Jin...

With that thought he stepped out of the house, ignoring the screams from his mother. "Do I need to bring anything?" Taehyung asked Namjoon while he used his sleeves to wipe his eyes. "No, we'll supply you with everything you need, you get your own room." He explained. Taehyung rolled his eyes "yay me." He spoke sarcastically and stepped into the back of a car which he had been led to.

Namjoon got in the front while the other knights got in their own car. He looked at his parents one last time before he felt the car driving away. It got painfully silent in the car, Taehyung played with his fingers as he still felt his nerves eating at him. "I'm sorry, it must be hard to leave your family like that." Namjoon's voice broke the silence and awkward feeling in the car. "Am I supposed to accept that apology? You quite clearly say this to the all the new blood maids you take to the palace." He spat.

He felt himself channeling Jimin's spirit here.

Namjoon cleared his throat, Taehyung being right that he does say that every time. "Would you like to know what to expect?" He changed the subject to his king. Taehyung scoffed "other than having someone sink their teeth into my body and drink my blood?" He stuck with his attitude. His hate for vampires overpowering his fear right now.

"Yes, you will spend a lot of time with our king. Blood maids are required to be on call 24/7 in the palace. I must tell you though, this is the first male blood maid that our king has had. He may be shocked to see you at first but don't be alarmed." Namjoon rambled on.

"Oh lovely." Taehyung sarcastically remarked.

He heard Namjoon chuckle so he crossed his arms like a spoilt brat. Some large gates were opened and Namjoon turned to drive down a long drive way, the castle being visible in the distance.

Taehyung didn't bother looking.

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