For Old Times' Sake

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For Old Times' Sake

"Hartley, are you alright?" Flynn said, coming over to her.

Without a word, she sashayed off, Flynn hypnotized by the sway of her hips. Before he could blink, she turned and pulled a lever, a set of bars suddenly crashing into being, dividing Clara from Flynn.

"What are you doing, woman!?" Flynn demanded, grabbing the bars with both hands.

"Miss me?" Clara smiled, her eyes becoming filled with flames of flickering violet.

"Oh God, no," Flynn said, taking a step back as the others crowded into the room behind him.

Clara just smiled, a smile that spread itself across her face like a serpent, twisting and turning, deceiving and destroying.

Flynn swayed on the spot, his whole world caving in.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked, stepping forwards, only for Clara to suddenly grab him by the lapels, yanking him forwards, her lips crushing his through the bars. "What the hell are you doing!?" he exclaimed, tearing himself free, eyes wide with shock.

"What I should have done a long time ago," Clara countered, smiling again.

Jacob just stared at her, like he'd never seen her before.

Smirking, Clara blew him a kiss before sauntering off, holding the pearl aloft as she moved, eying it lovingly, the key to her freedom.


Clara examined her reflection critically, turning this way and that, tossing her hair over one shoulder, and then the other. It was her face and form, but something was amiss. With a snap of her fingers, her hair suddenly fell down her back like a dark waterfall, her dress and torn tights becoming a flowing blood red gown that clung to every curve. She nodded at herself, finally satisfied, only to whirl around at the sound of footsteps.

"Hello, love," Lamia sneered, drawing her dagger, ready to put the next part of Dulaque's plan into action. Flynn had taken the bait, embarking on a wild goose chase, leaving the Library open to attack in his absence. Dulaque had sent Lamia after Flynn and the others, ordering her to annihilate them, whilst he walked straight into the lion's den, facing down the only family he had left.

"Love is a fool's choice," Clara spat, slipping the pearl into her pocket. "Particularly when you love a man who loves another."

Lamia flinched at this, almost on the edge of losing control. "He doesn't love you," she spat back, her hands shaking, belying the lie.

Clara just eyed her contemptuously, a sneer curving her lips. "I like your hair," she said sarcastically, gesturing to Lamia's loose curls.

"You look... different," Lamia observed, circling her.

"That's because I am different, dear one," Clara said coolly.

"Different or not, I can still kill you" -

Clara suddenly lashed out, striking Lamia, as swift as a snake. "Dislocated wrist," she intoned coldly as Lamia screamed out in pain, "eight pounds of pressure per inch." Then she hit Lamia in the leg, making her collapse, another scream escaping Lamia's lips. "Trapezius nerve cluster," she said, standing over Lamia, "three pounds of pressure per inch." She bent down, grabbing Lamia's throat, choking her. "And six pounds of pressure to the carotid artery," she hissed, her gaze locking with Lamia's terrified one, "which stops blood flow to the brain."

"P-p-lease," Lamia pleaded, barely able to.

"This is unsatisfying," Clara said, throwing her aside. "I need a more worthy opponent."


"Going somewhere?"

Jenkins froze, clutching the cardboard box of teacups to his chest. Other entities and beings had shown up to the Intercession, Ezekiel handling the situation with surprising aplomb, concluding the meeting on terms that satisfied everyone. But then Dulaque had appeared out of nowhere, calling a Conclave, the sight of him in the Annex more than Jenkins could stand. He had all but fled, leaving Ezekiel on his own, Jenkins ready to hand in his notice at the first chance he got. Until then, he was as good as gone, having packed all his worldly possessions, his station-wagon ready and waiting for his departure.

"Galeas" -

- "Do not address me by that title!" Jenkins snapped, whirling around, the teacups clanking in their box.

Clara tilted her head to the side, the wind rippling her hair, making it look snakelike.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you're here," Jenkins said, his voice shaking, "should I?"

"I wanted to see you," Clara said simply, clasping her hands before her.


"For very old times' sake," Clara smiled, "not that you've changed any, not inside anyways. You're still holier than thou, judging everyone for the slightest error" -

- "Why are you really here, Guinevere!?" Jenkins spat, rounding on her. "Is it to do with the Conclave? Because I can assure you Dulaque is destroying what is left of the Library quite well on his own, thank you very much!"

"Lancelot?" Clara said, taking a step back, all the blood draining from her face.

"Yes, he's here," Jenkins said, setting the cardboard box down on the car roof.

"And you're running from him - again?" Clara said, recovering herself.

"What else does it look like?"

"You have to choose," Clara said, her gaze burning into him.

"Oh, I chose," Jenkins said, advancing on her as he spoke, "and no good came of it. You know that better than anyone. Over the years, I chose again and again - each time, a little hope, and then it was gone, snatched from me. Blood was shed, hearts were broken - mine mostly. Everything and everyone I loved was cut down. Nothing changed." He looked away, his jaw working, fighting back the tears burning the back of his eyes. "I finally learnt my lesson," he said, "and I came here, to the Annex, to do my work, to be alone, and then you were there, forcing me to choose. I chose Clara, but she's gone now, like everyone else. So what's the point of choosing, Guinevere, because nothing... nothing ever changes," he said, turning his back on her, shielding his eyes with his hand from her sight.

"You did," Clara said quietly, and when Jenkins finally turned around, it was only to find she was gone.

Watching from both sides, these clock towers burning up
I lost my time here, I lost my patience with it all…

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