Chapter 29

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Matt's POV: After my way up to me and Gabby's room, I smiled when I saw her feeding the boys. Matteo was feeding from her breast while Noah was getting a bottle. "Woah, that is impressive." Gabby laughed when I said that and just smiled at me. "You going to just stand there or are you going to give me breakfast while also grabbing your daughters?" I smiled when she asked me that before going to put our breakfast on the bed. Once that was done, I decided to get undressed and set my sweats down under my pillow. "I expect a bit of intimate time today."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Believe me, that was always the plan." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that because I (truly) hoped that would be the case. With how much of a turn on she is right now, she better give me a bit of attention somehow later. I don't need it to be sex though. All I need is to hold her in my arms and kiss her slowly. Now, that would be fun. Going to walk over to the cribs, I smiled as I went to look at our girls. "Hi my beautiful princesses. You ready to join mommy and daddy in bed so you can get a feeding?"

Gabby smiled when I said that. "God, you are such a great dad." I smiled when she said that before proceeding to pick up our girls from their cribs. Setting each of them down on our bed, I then went to move them up the bed so that we could grab them easier. "Maybe after we have breakfast and we feed them....we can put them on one side of us and we can cuddle in bed. I don't think I am done celebrating my new job." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Can we talk for a bit first while we eat?" Going to walk over to the fridge to grab some bottles, I nodded.

Once I had some bottles for the girls, I smiled as I came to join Gabby in bed. "By the way, I calculated when my first shift is going to be as Battalion Chief." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "When is it?" I smiled at her. "I am literally starting in the new year. New Year's Day." Gabby laughed when I said that. "Sucks for you...that means no new year's eve sex!" I went to shake my head while going to grab Hannah, starting to give her a bottle while she started to eat breakfast too. "Oh no, you aren't doing that to me. You are giving me sex Mrs. Casey on New Year's Eve!"

Gabby laughed and smiled. "By the way, do you want me and the kids there on shift or would you rather I stay home?" I bit my lip when she asked me that before nodding. "I think I'd like that. I want to be as involved as possible in raising the kids. If I have to work 24 hours, then I want you there with me." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Also, they'll be done breastfeeding by then because they'll be 8 months old when I start." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "The time is going to fly by." I agreed with her and smiled. "That's why I want to make it count."

Gabby nodded when I said that. "You aren't having second thoughts are you babe? I mean, it's understandable because of the huge job that you are taking on." I shook my head. "Gabby, this is my destiny. I have been trained to do this job for years. That's why we are staying. Heck, someday...I hope you decide to come back. Whether it be to Firehouse 15, 20, 31 or know you have a place in my Battalion."  Gabby shook her head. "I am working at 51 on Ambo 61. Me and Sylvie will make up...but I expect to be PIC when I go back." I nodded and agreed.

That's when I realized what she just said. "Wait, what?" Gabby then sighed. "Matt, I am just putting it out there. I don't know if it's something you'd agree to since we had quads but..." I sighed when she said that. "We'd have to talk about it okay? But, is that something you are thinking about Gabby? Be honest with me okay? Are you think that you'd like to go back someday?" Gabby shrugged and nodded. "I mean, it's the humanitarian in me. If I can't help in Puerto Rico, then I want to help during the pandemic here in Chicago." I then bit my lip.

Sighing, I went to grab her hand. "Gabby, I really hate saying this but...we are going to have to really talk about this when we are done feeding the kids okay? Let's eat, finish feeding the kids and then we can hold each other close. What you just said there is something that really concerns me about you wanting to go back." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "Matt..." I then took a breath. "Gabby, after breakfast okay? I promise babe, after breakfast." Gabby just nodded and agreed with me when I said that, already knowing I wasn't going to give in.

"Matt, is this going to turn into a fight? Promise me that it won't." I sighed and bit my lip. "I promise to try and not turn it into a fight. However, this is something that we really need to talk about considering it could have major impacts for our family life. Please babe, let's just eat and then we can hold each other close while we talk." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, obviously seeing the worried look all over my face. I mean, what if one of us catches COVID at the firehouse...we both have to quarantine and then our kids might have nobody.

I mean sure, they'd have our moms but...that's when Gabby looked at me. "This have anything to do with COVID?" I sighed when Gabby asked me that before nodding. "Gabby, if there wasn't a pandemic...I'd be all for you coming back. I am based out of 51 and I am going to be there with you. However, we need to think about the kids. We need one of us to stay off of work. However, don't take this as me not wanting you to work. Maybe you can work OFI from home. Sorry babe, but I am not..." Gabby just went to grab my hand and got me to breathe. "Relax, I understand."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, smiling at her. "Here, how about we eat while we feed the kids...then we can talk about this more okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, going to grab some food while we fed the kids that morning.

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