-The Facts End- (Alt. Title: The Update That Took Six Years)

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Whelp, this took a while. I'm not kidding when I say procrastination runs thick in my blood - this one took six years - but here we go:

Fact Twelve:
After high-school I took a gap year to confirm that programming was something I enjoyed and was willing to sink money into (yay, student loans) then, I studied part-time for four years, and graduated with a double major in Computer Science, and Logic & Computation.

Fact Thirteen:
I've become a cyclist. The commute to work by bus took an hour due to traffic and construction, but biking was only 30 mins. Insane. Within a year, I've already recovered the price of the bike in bus-card savings.

Fact Fourteen:
I stumbled upon Dungeons and Dragons in my second-to-last year at University and I fell for it, hard. My group played multiple campaigns simultaneously, up to twice a week at our peak. We still play and I love it immensely.

Fact Fifteen:
My GPA (grade point average) suffered when I fell for DnD. But it was worth it. My group is so amazing. Playing has been so good for me & my mental health. I'm grateful to DnD for my friends and the community around it.

Fact Sixteen:
I still absolutely hate skinks. My cat still brings them in. The stupid things even come inside (on their own volition!!) to sun themselves outside my room these days. The cat also brings in rats, mice and birds, what a guy.

Fact Seventeen:
If you suspect your cat has brought in a rat, and that it has taken up residence inside the insulation of your oven, deal to it. Immediately. Before the smell becomes atrocious and unresolvable. You have to replace the oven otherwise.

As disgusting as the above sounds, this happened to my family not once, but twice. In the span of two years. Madness.

Fact Eighteen:
I still don't use my name on this site, as I raised during the "Don't tell the internet strangers any personal details about yourself" generation. Now that I'm an adult, I could change my name, but I like my 'Gin Wolfe' name too much.

TikTok weirds me out. Kids posting videos of where they live and all that is insane to me. 

Fact Nineteen:
On my Wattpad profile, I describe myself as a "semi-aspiring novelist". This is because while I'm absolutely hankering to write a novel, I haven't had any ideas that I wanted to commit to yet. Until now...

Fact Twenty:
I'm participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for the first time this year! The goal? Write a 50K first draft in 30 days. November is exam season in Middle Earth, which make it very unfortunate for aspiring Kiwi novelists. I'm currently procrastinating my daily word count by writing this!

Ta-da. I'm not very active on Wattpad anymore (the Club Forums that I was fond of are a distant memory), but it seemed a good time to finish this book. Thanks for reading 📚

Bonus Fact - Twenty-One:

I finished my NaNoWriMo novel, writing 50k in November. It's now May 2022 and I haven't revisited it yet, but hope to eventually edit it to a point where I can show another soul. 

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