Ch.1 Riker?

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Zoey POV
I just started soft more year and the lynches are football players since high school started and I'm a flier for the L.A. Husky's( not a real team i think) cheer team. Rydel lynch is the cheer captain she's dating the trombone player Ellington, not a football player shocking I know. I have had a huge crush on Riker lynch number 1 on the team, no because he's famous because he seems nice on the inside and I plan to make him mine. I arrive at my locker for my science books and I leave I get approached by Riker
"Hey Zoey need help? I'm making my way to science as well."

"Sure, did you switch classes? you were never were in science before."

"Yeah I wanted to be closer to you" did I hear that correctly? does Riker lynch like me?

I giggle and hand him my books he drops for a second and finds his footing again.

"Hey zoey I was wondering if you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"Is this a joke? Am I really being asked out by Riker lynch?"

"No this isn't a joke and yes you are. yes or no?"

"Yes pick me up at 8 lover boy."

"Don't call me that, wanna sit by me."
I nod I'm so excited
Riker POV
Did I just do that I'm 20 she's 19 (a/n I know rikers not 20 I did that to make the story fit together) will her parents approve I don't care I love her and I don't want a dick head to het to her like Jake Goldberg. I am one lucky man if she enjoys this date. does she love me?
We will find out tomorrow at 8.

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